Check out my bands new songs!

Thanks brosef! The drums are really just stock Addictive Drums sounds. I started with Fuge's egg preset and noodled around.Changed the snare messed with a couple things and thats where it came from.
heres a pic

Yay for clean vocals that don't whine! Yay for killer synth metal! Yay for decent gain guitars!

This ain't McDonalds but I'm lovin' it. Maybe it's BurgerKing since I got it my way :p
Tracked and recorded by me. Check em out. I am pretty excited over the new material/new members in the band, including Mr. Adam Cody of Vehemence and Glass Casket.

Cheers brothas,

i am listening to "Reaction" song and it´s incredible...i love sound, it´s awesome man...
could you share pod preset and settings in the mix??? (because you only post tone 2)
i would like to have more info how you make that mix because is brutal...

and...drums sound amazing...Addictive Drums?? do you have preset too?

i´m excited with your production.:worship:notworthy