check out my band's new song!!!


May 3, 2004
well its not quite done yet, no vox but besides a few minor tweaks this is pretty much how the backing track is going to be. what do you all think? tear it apart

SoundClick MP3: s34nsm411 - Band page with free MP3 music downloads on SoundClick
"the kidnapping - new song beta"

EDIT: recorded vocals and completely redid the guitars since i wasnt happy with the tone, final version up now under the name "The Kidnapping - Cast the First Stone" check that shit out

edit2: once again went over this mix completely, made the guitars louder/heavier sounding, tamed the bass drum, reworked the vocal buss's to not use such cpu hogging plugins...
Great stuff! Both musically and soundwise :rock:

I think you can work on the kick a bit more, it kind of sticks out too much and it would sound better with more dynamic variations, IMO. Personally, I would cut some of the kick's highs but I guess it's just a matter of preference :)
I like pretty much everything else :rock:

edit: hehe GuitarGodgt beat me to it
hmm, does the kick sound too loud in the other song on that page? i tried to keep all the settings and stuff the same so the two tracks would sound similar, yet the kick still did stick out to me but not as much on the other song
Hm, in the other song it sounds better..Did you a/b the 2 projects? Also if the drums are midi there may be kicks with higher velocity..I don't know.
cool songs though :)
once again revised this, new version is called "cast the first stone revision" but i left the other one up too for comparison. do you think it sounds better?