*Check out my bands NEW VIDEO*


Jul 1, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys

My band decided to make our own video out of a bunch of videoclips we have compiled over the past couple years. This video is for one of our new songs that will be on our next album. Noth video and audio were self produced.

Would love to hear what you guys think about the song and video. Video is kind of goofy but it's entertaining.

hope you guys enjoy.

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Cool video. Much much better than most self-produced videos of bands in a parking garage rocking out. It also helps that the song is good and you guys can play.

But the best thing is that the video shows personality, I really like that a lot!
Dude not only is your band really damn good, but this video is awesome! Agreed with Sami - the fact that you guys actually have personality and aren't just a bunch of dumb metalheads makes me dig you even more!

That Pope yell at 4:01 had me rolling hahahhaha.
I agree with all of the above. Your music, playing and general rambunctiousness make me want to get back of my lazy *** and find a band out here. It's great to see camaraderie and honest fun in a video. And Jeff is completely right, the Pope yell was fantastic!
+1 Hahaha :lol:

Haha...ya we find the "Gandalf Scream" as we call it, pretty funny to lol. Just imagine that yell with:

"Youuuuuu...Shall Notttt...PAAASSSSSS!!!!"

lol it gets me everytime.

Once again, thanks for all the positive feedback guys.

Regarding the low end, agreed, but it's just for pre-production and for our management to hear what we've been up to. When we record it for the album it will be mixed professionally. This is just what we got with our limited knowledge of recording and mixing etc. Personally I think the guitar tone is disgusting.

And thanks for the Evergrey comment lol, we like to hear that.
Great video and tune man - awesome job!!! Nice touch adding your buddy drinking a Canadian - has a top spot in my fridge!!! :kickass: