New BETRAYING THE MARTYRS music video !! (sumerian recs - mixed by Charles J Wall )

Jan 11, 2011
Hey Guys!

We just released a new music video from our upcoming album "Breathe In Life" , out Sept 19th on Listenable records and Sumerian records !

The whole album has been recorded / produced by myself and mixed / mastered by the ASTONISHING Charles J Wall from Sonic Assault Studios <3 (love you dude ! ) who did such an incredible job !!

Feel free to check it out and post about it, i'd love to read the thoughts of this community about it !

There it is :


ps : Video has been directed by Tom Welsh ( ) , check out his work, he also is an awesome guy !
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Lucas... This is beyond awesome, BTM is currently (IMO) the best act in its genre. And the video is mind blowing, as usual coming from Welsh.
Thanks, you make me proud to be a french metalhead ! See you on october 16th in Lyon, I'll buy you a beer with pleasure :)
I don't usually listen to this kind of band but i really like it.

and CJ i will give you the best compliment i can give...
i will use this as reference when mixing :3
I don't usually listen to this kind of band but i really like it.

same here, but I think this can actually be the first CD of that kind of genre (deathcorish?) I'll be getting!

Also because of the cool production, so compliments to you Lucas and CJ!
It's the first CJ mix I really dig, I'm more a fan of mids then you I guess ;D
also got used to the strange bassgrind in the meantime

really awesome stuff, looking forward to the release!
Thanks so much for the nice comments everyone, I'm glad you guys dig it :)) feel free to share this around you ^^

@fatalforce it will be out in the US/Canada/Mexico on the 20th of september through Sumerian Records, and one day before in the rest of the world through Listenable records . You can already get preorder bundles !

@Label child : cymbals are SDII (CJ basically just used the stereo audio files I gave him for it, just like for all keyboards) , shells are his own custom samples :D

Haha Soulthrash, glad it did, that was the whole point :devil:

We're getting a great and HUGE response so far ( 30 0000 views on youtube and 18 000 shares on facebook in 48hours ! insane !! )
I am so proud :D

As I said in another thread, i am SO grateful to this forum, because I learned so much about recording etc, that helped me in the process of making that record !

Sneap forum rulez ! <3
I am glad i was around CJ to watch him craft this mix and make it like it is :). Plus Lucas did a fantastic job with all the tracking of the album :). Def a combo of two awesome mind's. Def a favorite project we have worked on so far. <3 you Lucas can't wait to hang with you guy's when you come to the US!!! and also sick video :)
Before the music started all I wanted to do was make a comment about 'Listenable Records' being ironic for this band, but this song is pretty fucking awesome!