Check out my Deathcore/HC/Whatever Mix (Real drums, 5150, Trilian)


Feb 16, 2011
Frankfurt/Main Germany
What do you guys think about the mix? My main problem I think is the Guitar sound, any suggestions about EQing etc.? Deal MX30 MST 5.mp3

Some information about the tracking:

Kick: 100% Slate Trigger Sample
Snare Top and Bottom: SM57 + Slate Trigger
Hi Tom: MD421 + Trigger
Lo Tom: AKG C414 + Trigger
Overheads: Neumann KM140
Hihat: Neumann KM183
Ride Spotmic: Neumann KM183
China: MD421 (I believe, not sure anymore)

Guitars are reamped OD808 -> 5150 -> ENGL box -> SM57 + some post processing (not a lot, some EQ cuts mainly)

Bass is programmed using Spectrasonics Trilian + a lot of post processing

Vocals are Shure SM7b

In the beginning and in the middle of the song are crewshouts that I recorded ORTF with two Neumann KM140 (3 persons, 10 takes), but they sound too thin, so we will record some more tracks soon (now they are really quiet in the mix).
Don't really know what to add to the topic atm, but in regards to the last post idk, Memphis May Fire's newest record has a lot higher bass volume than usual, and it sounds sick. So yeah, would say that the bass-thing is a preference, and I guess the band wants it that way?
yes bass is kind of upfront but thats on purpose, I like how it sounds on the album speaker of the dead by emmure for example. I don't know memphis may fire but I will give them a listen. but 1-2 db less on the bass could be an option, I'll consider that. how do you like the guitar tone?
that's my own band by the way ;)

thanks for the feedback so far.

1:30 at that link. Just wanted to give an insight to what I mean, so yeah bass up front can sound really cool.
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1:30 at that link. Just wanted to give an insight to what I mean, so yeah bass up front can sound really cool.

I like the production (not the clean singing though ;))! I wish I could bring my bass tone more in that direction.

Anyway I worked on the last mix and here's my result: Deal MX33 MST6.mp3

- I added a little intro (I will improve that though).
- Changed the Subdrops (they are 45hz sine waves, but currently they are pushing the rest down too far, that will be changed in the mastering for sure! edit: done)
- Worked on the balance, drums are more and bass is less upfront
- Automated the "grit-tracks" on the bass, so they are louder on breakdowns etc. than on the faster riffs
- Added some more FX stuff

Are the vocals too quiet now?

Hope you like it!

edit: i updated the link because the subdrops were too heavy
I like the production (not the clean singing though ;))! I wish I could bring my bass tone more in that direction.

Anyway I worked on the last mix and here's my result: Deal MX33 MST6.mp3

- I added a little intro (I will improve that though).
- Changed the Subdrops (they are 45hz sine waves, but currently they are pushing the rest down too far, that will be changed in the mastering for sure! edit: done)
- Worked on the balance, drums are more and bass is less upfront
- Automated the "grit-tracks" on the bass, so they are louder on breakdowns etc. than on the faster riffs
- Added some more FX stuff

Are the vocals too quiet now?

Hope you like it!

edit: i updated the link because the subdrops were too heavy

Well to be honest I really dont have any proper listening devices atm, but it's pretty good. You could still play around with the bass if you'd like, and in response to earlier discussions you can still bring the bass back up if you'd like, seems like it's sort of lost sometimes. That is if you want to have a noticable base or what you prefer hehe.

And IDK if it's just me, my sound or something but it's something about the guitars / air in the vox, that sometimes can get a little strenuous.
You could try something with the vox. Correct me if im wrong but to add/remove air from vocals you ought to start looking into the 12khz area.

But as I said, that may just be me or my devices right now.
But yeah, have a go, I'll be glad to listen to it if you update it.

Sorry I couldn't come up with any deeper ideas for you.

Edit: I think there's something about the guitars, they seem to be a bit "outside the mix" at times, idk if its the dist that just lures me to believe so. May just be the tone or the sustain of it. Don't really know why I added this haha XD
Thanks a lot for the feedback so far! I already reworked on some of the things you just said (for example slightly louder grit one the bass) and I reamped the guitars again.

So here's my new attempt: Deal MX35 MST6.mp3

Here's a second attempt where a friend of mine reamped the guitars with his AXE FX but I think I prefer my version. What do you think? Deal MX35 MST6 AXE FX.mp3

Would be great to hear some more feedback!
Yeah, would first off state that I like your version better than your friends hehe.
Well I like that you lifted the base a bit, though personally I'ts just a smidge to low at fast parts, like 0:25. But that may just be my preference, so it's no real big deal if you want it that way, but I like how it sounds at 2:20 where the bass really stands out.

Just out of curiosity, what effect have you put on the vocals? Layering and such.
Yeah, would first off state that I like your version better than your friends hehe.
Well I like that you lifted the base a bit, though personally I'ts just a smidge to low at fast parts, like 0:25. But that may just be my preference, so it's no real big deal if you want it that way, but I like how it sounds at 2:20 where the bass really stands out.

Just out of curiosity, what effect have you put on the vocals? Layering and such.

I recorded a lot of different layers. There is always one main track in the middle and two layers of the same style panned left and right. On some parts there are 6 or even 9 vocal tracks at the same time (for example 3 tracks growls, 3 tracks shouts, 3 tracks high pitched screams), minimum are 3.There is a lot of automation going on in order to keep things interesting.

Every single track has some eqing, two different compressors (1176 and la2a style) and on the vocal bus is a soundtoys decapitator blended in for distortion. the bus has sends to some short delay (not very loud) and a guitar amp sim for even more (and heavier) distortion (you can hear this one clearly in the part without guitars at the end). no reverb.
Oh okay, was wonder what about the vocals that could have caused the effect I was thinking about earlier, but it's (like much else) a preference.

I'm actully thinking about what could be improved without changing the bands sound. Since I guess you have a certain style you want it to resemble.

Well be sure to update if you find something new, on your own to tweak or modify!