Check out my Immigrant Song Instrumental...

Hey man,

just listening to it now. Sounds sweet! Like a modern version, but not destroying the original. I really like the lead tone. What mics did you use?

mics are a 57 and e609S mixed... probably 60-40 e609S or a bit more
how does that mark III compare to your legacy for lead sounds?
sustain wise very similar. the Mk III has a lot more tonal options, but both will sing

when I tracked the lead, I pulled the EQ mids up a bit. also, I tracked the lead twice. one is up front and the other is driving a verb and is also tucked way under.
the legacy clips i've heard remind me quite a bit of how my mark III sounds, does your head have the reverb option?

mine is pretty subtle, but it's got a killer sounding verb on it