Check Out My Youtube

first thing I saw was an anti-Fred video, enough for me.

I just don't want to see a video that has anything to do with him.
I have watched 11 610 clips when loged onto my account, and my clip has got 171 550 views. does this make me a pro youtuber??

what if I was pro at something! :kickass:
why the fuck would someone market his own youtube channel which isn't even connected to music but rather just a mess of various clips?
why would people HATE me for making a thread? is everyone that insecure? so what its not about music. I just want to try to get people to subscribe to me because Im going through sone hard times right now and if I can get enough people watching I could get a partnership and make some money. You know how it is so instead of bashing me for doing something try to be a little more supportive ok?
why would people HATE me for making a thread? is everyone that insecure? so what its not about music. I just want to try to get people to subscribe to me because Im going through sone hard times right now and if I can get enough people watching I could get a partnership and make some money. You know how it is so instead of bashing me for doing something try to be a little more supportive ok?

lmao, listen man I'm just kidding, nobody really hates you and nobody is insecure here, we're just picking on you because you are very vulnerable and seem to get furiously upset for mostly silly reasons. I can't speak for everyone, but don't take a place like this so seriously!
Sorry if I was too harsh, I was just being an e-douche because it's fun, it's nothing against you, you seem to be a cool guy. Peace.