Check out our new 8 string Death/groove/djent/ambient metal track 'Resonance'

I like it cuz it's not so Djenty :) Very Cool - dig it! Nice mix - everything has its place in the mix - no overcrowding. What guitar and amp combo?
I used my SC608B together with Guitar Rig 5 (wich I have come to love and use a lot).
For some parts and effects I used pod farm elements.
Drums are SSD4 btw, also awesome!
And VCC and Waves Kramer Tape was also used.
For all effects like EQ and compression I used PSP audioware stuff.
very nice! i love the tune :)

everything has it's place in the mix. in contrast to most djent mixes, it sounds more open and 'musical' overall. great work!
Really tidy mix, I'm loving the bass tone. Maybe a little to much gain on the lead at around 5:20, but thats just personal taste. The songs really sweet to. Around 6:12 when the chords come in is done really well. :)