Illuminati - thrash/industrial fest - POD/Slate - check it out!!!


Jan 13, 2009
Hi Guys , heres a new track i've been working on recently ,I've uploaded my most recent mix - Used Slate for drums , and the POD for GTR's...

Used the Modern High Gain amp this time on the V30 setting - Sounded nice and had that razor edge I needed for the track - Dual tracked only.

Please check it out and feedback what you think dudes!!!:rock::rock:
sounds pretty cool; yeah, seems a tad bright. the high gain (soldano emu)setting works great live to cut through, but on recordings, I think the rectifier/mesa one often works a bit better.
havent listened to the version before. but these guitars are still way too bright. its like constantly looking into a cameraflashlight...