Check out the New Barbie Doll, This needs to be Stopped

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The Real Moonchild said:
Not all muslims are bad. Besides if there's a black barbie why can't there be arabian barbies?
Not all Muslims are bad but this is in bad taste, especially at a time like this. This just gives Muslims another way to become more part of American culture and it is this that allows future terrorists to set up shop here and this will go on and on and on.
The Real Moonchild said:
What time? This is supposed to be the country of "freedom and democracy" If you don't like the way its heading form a KKK group against muslims.
Hold it right there!!!
This here has nothing to do with freedom and Democracy. Do you realize that those responsible for 9/11 were Muslim and with that who knows who is good and bad. I'm not saying they're all bad, we all know that but I feel that this attempt by Mattel to appease the Muslims with a Barbie doll is not a wise thing to do at a time like this. Now how does that have to do with democracy and freedom?
You're entitled to your ignorant views, but don't be surprised if you're called racist trash for it. :lol: I know it just baffles people like you that the world doesn't come out and label Muslims as terrorists, there have always been people who think like that. Thankfully it will always be a minority.
John Silver said:
Thankfully it will always be a minority.
That's what you think, it is not a minority, especially in areas where there is a large Muslim population. Tell me something, was it ok for Muslims in the USA, to celebrate on 9/11/01 after the WTC went down. And yes that did happen in many places, especially in New York. I suppose that was expressing freedom and democracy too.
I don't know how many Muslims in the US cheered it. But I remember how the US media blew out of proportion the news of cheering Palestinians. You could always see the repeated images of the Palestinian children dancing, but not much about the others that were weeping and lighting a candle on that day. I don't think much of the way news is reported in your country.
No, you shouldn't cater to *terrorists*. Not all Muslims are terrorists, just as not all terrorists are Muslims.

I meet Muslims every day - fine, fine people. Sure, they overcharge me for kebabs, but ehhh - it's London! :p
duckattack said:
There's not much to discuss. Your statements brand millions of people as psychotic murderers, and that's obviously not the case. If you really believe that, I don't see much point in trying to reason with you.
Wel then you should keep your mouth shut and do away with the cursing if this is the case. If you have nothing to discuss regarding this, I respect that but at least be a little nicer about it.
Mark said:
No, you shouldn't cater to *terrorists*. Not all Muslims are terrorists, just as not all terrorists are Muslims.

I meet Muslims every day - fine, fine people. Sure, they overcharge me for kebabs, but ehhh - it's London! :p
Mark my friend I agree all the way, it's just a shame that the good Muslims are lumped in with the extremeists. My intent of this thread was to say that I think it is bad taste to come up with a Muslim Barbie doll and if Mattel continues with this I feel they will lose alot of business over it.
And as far as those kebabs are concerned, tell em to lower their proces or you'll go into business and undercut them. :lol:
dreamwatch said:
How about Rascist Prick Barbie. She can sit in her trailer drinking beer, burping and farting and complaining about all how the towel heads have got all the jobs. I'm sure that would sell a treat. :)
That's not a cool thing to say, and yes they do suck up all the jobs and at a lower rate and this is a fact that anyone in the workforce can attest to.
Merciless Onslaught said:
Not all Muslims are bad but this is in bad taste, especially at a time like this. This just gives Muslims another way to become more part of American culture and it is this that allows future terrorists to set up shop here and this will go on and on and on.

I'm actually dumbfounded by your ignorance, and very frightened by your attitudes. Firstly, having a company (and it's not Mattel that are making this doll) design a doll for a section of society that currently has few cultural role models for it's female children is not a bad thing. Secondly, as the cultural identity of the doll is in no way Americanised I'm not sure how you conclude that this doll will make Muslims want to be 'more' part of your culture (a culture that has continually demonised the Muslim people since 9/11 by the way). You also seem to be under the impression that every terrorist is a Muslim; what are you going to do when terrorists who erroneously attribute their actions to other religions start to attack you?
All i see is a cute little girl playing with a doll that resembles her in the attire of her culture. It's not like she is waving an AK 47 in the air and burning and American flag while screaming "Gihad Now!!"...well, I guess dolls can't scream, but that's beside the point. :Spin:
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