Check out the New Barbie Doll, This needs to be Stopped

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dreamwatch said:
. You also seem to be under the impression that every terrorist is a Muslim; what are you going to do when terrorists who erroneously attribute their actions to other religions start to attack you?
I already said that I do not subscribe to this. Please read what I said to Mark a few posts up and read it before commenting. Thank you.
Well I think it's a good idea that there's a Muslim version of Barbie. Like the article says, there's a gap in the market and this has filled it to an extent. Why shouldn't Muslim girls have something like this? However, if they're gonna do a Muslim doll they ought to do a Hindu one, a Jewish one, a Bhuddist one... the list goes on.
dreamwatch said:
I'm actually dumbfounded by your ignorance, and very frightened by your attitudes. Secondly, as the cultural identity of the doll is in no way Americanised I'm not sure how you conclude that this doll will make Muslims want to be 'more' part of your culture (a culture that has continually demonised the Muslim people since 9/11 by the way).
Now I'm actually dumbfounded and I find your attitudes to be pretty chilling.

Oh those poor little muslims.....christ...C'mon Dreamy- I expected better from you than this. As if they didn't DESERVE to be branded after that horrible day. I'm not so quick to forget or to dismiss what many muslims wrought in body, mind, and voice on that day. And the muslim community should accept the consequences of their actions which(the consequences) are relatively benign considering.

In reality, they're pretty fucking lucky we have such self-immolating leaders in charge of this country who still continue to give them aid.

I'm not so quick to forget what befell my home city on that horrible horrid day. And my contention still is that we should continually and mercilessly bomb the entire middle east until they stop and this includes attacking their civilians as well(JUST LIKE THEY DID). Yes, I'm dead serious.
Not only do we have the moral right to do so; but by us not doing what has to be done; we will continue to feed and foster more middle eastern muslim zealots.

Another 9/11 may appeal to you but it certainly doesn't appeal to me.
Prismatic Sphere said:
Now I'm actually dumbfounded and I find your attitudes to be pretty chilling.

Oh those poor little muslims.....christ...C'mon Dreamy- I expected better from you than this. As if they didn't DESERVE to be branded after that horrible day. I'm not so quick to forget or to dismiss what many muslims wrought in body, mind, and voice on that day. And the muslim community should accept the consequences of their actions which(the consequences) are relatively benign considering.

In reality, they're pretty fucking lucky we have such self-immolating leaders in charge of this country who still continue to give them aid.

I'm not so quick to forget what befell my home city on that horrible horrid day. And my contention still is that we should continually and mercilessly bomb the entire middle east until they stop and this includes attacking their civilians as well(JUST LIKE THEY DID). Yes, I'm dead serious.
Not only do we have the moral right to do so; but by us not doing what has to be done; we will continue to feed and foster more middle eastern muslim zealots.

Another 9/11 may appeal to you but it certainly doesn't appeal to me.
Yeah I agree all the way. Could you imagine what would have happened if this happened back in the 40's or 50's? The mentality back then was tougher and less forgiving unlike now.
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Merciless Onslaught said:
Yeah I agree all the way. Could you imagine what would have happened if this happened back in the 40's or 50's? The mentality back then was tougher and less forgiving unlike now.
Yes, Arabs would be nice scarce valuable commodities on Ebay right now.

You can acredit that cockamaymee cuddle-up plan with the UN.
And you can thank the likes of pandering pigmy politicians like LBJ and Bill Clinton. I doubt that even Jimmy Carter would have stood for our current actions.
Prismatic Sphere said:
Yes, Arabs would be nice scarce valuable commodities on Ebay right now.

You can acredit that cockamaymee cuddle-up plan with the UN.
And you can thank the likes of pandering pigmy politicians like LBJ and Bill Clinton. I doubt that even Jimmy Carter would have stood for our current actions.
Carter was too nice a guy and not a tough president. Just imagine if Truman or FDR were president what they would have done. I could tell you right now there wouldn't be any of this ass kissing crap going on, that's for damn sure.
OM, sorry about the shittiness. But it pisses me off to see you backpedal, when clearly you did imply that all Muslims are responsible for, or at least condone, terrorism. Personally, I'm more offended by the doll's legitimization of a religion that imo treats women as property, but then fundamentalist Christians do that as well.

Prism, your 'point' about Tim McVeigh really doesn't hold water. Sure he was targetting the government, but were no civilians killed in OK City? If I remember correctly, there was a fucking daycare center in the Murrah Building. Anyway, nobody's ever proven that 19 Muslims really did fly the planes into the towers/Pentagon.

And wow, mercilessly bomb the middle east? Moral right to kill civilians? Wow. Peace through genocide, I guess it kinda worked for Pol Pot and Josef Stalin... kinda.
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