"Check Out These Uploads" - Part Deux

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Let's get Chinese eyes? Shouldn't that be in the masturbation thread? :) Seriously, everyone needs to hear Can (every review mentions how ahead of their time they were, but it's fact, Sing Swan Song is a total blueprint for Radiohead), and where can I get Amon Duul II albums for a good price?
Demonspell said:
Let's get Chinese eyes? Shouldn't that be in the masturbation thread? :) Seriously, everyone needs to hear Can (every review mentions how ahead of their time they were, but it's fact, Sing Swan Song is a total blueprint for Radiohead), and where can I get Amon Duul II albums for a good price?

Used bins. :tickled: As for CAN, unbelievable, un fucking believable. To think they were in the early 70's...
Hey Lannegan is still in Queens! Or at least he sung on the latest one. :D

I'll upload some shitz soon, and download some shitz too. Consider this a friendly bump or something (was probably at the top of the page anyhow).
Hey does anyone have Megadeth - These Boots to upload? I used to have them shitz on the original Combat tape (METUHLL) but the CD version doesn't have them shitz.
Ufomammut - Hopscotch
This is one of the coolest stoner songs ever done, with an absolutely UNRULY bass tone that melts down the walls.

Queens of the Stone Age - Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
Probably my favorite song from the album, just because of that slow sweaty bluesy opening which leads into some really fast rockin' shizzy.

Meshuggah - Neurotica
My favorite Meshuggah song, the HAHA part makes this whole album UNRULY.

King Crimson - Elektrik
One of their new ones, this is heavy, melodic, crazy, sane, ruly, and unruly all at once. If there is one track you download from this list, make it this one!

Acid King - 39 Lashes
No frills awesome stoner shit.

Burnt by the Sun - Forlani
This is nifty because a rockabilly riff is complemented by blast beats and screamed vocals. Very different.

Wellwater Conspiracy - C Myself and Eye
Just a very cool song that reminds me of a boat sorta drifting across the ocean. This is one of those leave-it-on-loop-for-an-hour type songs for me. I think Doomcifer and IOfTheStorm would dig on this.

Swans - Mind/Body/Light/Sound
Not my favorite Swans song, but it was on my computer already so there you go. Recommended to ANYONE who hasn't heard Swans, as they seem to appeal to pretty much everyone on some level.

Scald - Tap
My favorite Scald song, although probably not the best for a beginner. unhinged if you don't want this posted let me know and I'll delete it, then personally punch everyone that downloaded it without immediately purchasing Headworm from you guys.

Version Seven - This Old Creek
Might as well whore out my own band while I'm at it. :loco:
Downloading them all right now.

Brant Bjork is in my car, I spent most of the day at the damn courthouse so I didn't get a chance to spin them shitz.
Closing arguments were today. Shit doesn't look good for him. Sucks.

lizard, joo linx ain't verkin' por mi.
fuck, the queer security guy just minced over here.

Queer Security Guy (QSG): Richard, what is your IP addreth?
me: xx.xxx.xxx.xx
QSG: oh dear. are you familiar with a thite called yousendit?
me: yeth....er, yes.
QSG: my lands, whatever dith you uthe it for?
me: I sent a music file to someone. I thought that was better than using our own email and open ourselves up to security vulnerabilities.
QSG: please don't ever uthe that again!
me: otay!