check out this band - you heard it here..a bit of a review i found


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
If you thought all the great groups had long since disappeared, or if you've been weaned on a diet of radio pablum for the past few years, chances are you might not have heard of Pyramaze.

And that's a real shame because Pyramaze is one of the best bands going these days.

In fact, every element of Legend of the Bone Carver is first-rate -- from the art quality CD booklet cover to the pristine production quality to the power and range of Lance King's vocals to the songwriting and musicianship. This is music played with heart by a bunch of guys at the top of their game.

Legend of the Bone Carver is the band's second album. And, as other reviewers have pointed out, it's no sophomore slump. If anything, Bone Carver is even better than the band's first album, Melancholy Beast.

In some ways, Pyramaze (pronounced PEER-amaze) is kith and kin to other power metal bands today. The de rigeur sounds are all there -- for example, rapid-fire kick drums, a cruncy guitar tone, lyrics that often border on the Tolkien-esque, swirling keyboards, and a vocalist who soars above it all. If you wanted to create a power metal band, that's the formula.

Yet, Pyramaze isn't like other power metal bands. Perhaps it's Lance King's remarkable vocal abilities. I mean, the man is a singer's singer -- able to hit notes that tickle the bellies of satellites orbiting the earth, without going overboard by doing it too often. Maybe it's the swaggering confidence of the other musicians. They play with boldness and technical virtuosity -- a very fine combination.

Legend of the Bone Carver is fast and agressive, but it's also melodic and well played. (By the way, this isn't as fast as anything by Dragonforce so don't worry. It's still listenable.) The songs are crafted with care and presented with an unmistakable joy and pride.

My only complaint about Bone Carver is that the vocal mix could have been better overall. I would have liked to have heard Lance's voice out front more. At times, it's buried beneath the music. And with a voice like Lance's, that's a major faux pas.

By the way, I recently interviewed Lance King for and found him to be amazingly humble despite his extraordinary talent.

I recommend Pyramaze's Legend of the Bone Carver. Consider it a tonic to cure what ails you - namely sheer boredome from listening to the radio too often and not hearing anything worth listening to. Pryamaze is the real deal. Buy this CD. You won't regret it.
yeah just heard it now....
i like the keyboards real techno-feel electro drums
vox sucks sounds like that shit helstar
i hear about 10 new bands a month....most relaxation stuff :-)
New Scottish Heavy Metal band Agankast

NEW Rock3Radio ( GB )

Welcome to insanitarium opens with a charging monster of a track 'Reign of Terror' and perfectly catches the mood with a swarming stomping riff driven frenzy of a rush. The second tune 'More Meat' with its obsessive chanting will invoke bloody pictures of the victim torn apart and devoured. Next up is 'slaves' which starts with a gentle melody before charging into a galloping riff of grinning proportions, 'Welcome to insanitarium' is solid proof that Agankast has the true talent by releasing the all important 2nd album that emulates their fantastic debut album 'Dance Of The Dead'. 'Welcome To Insanitarium' consolidates their continued march to greatness and with eight excellant tracks of rampaging riffery no one will get tired of this one. The album closes with another guitar inspiring song 'Gods Of Total War'.
Added: May 21st 2006
Reviewer: Rock3:rock: