
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Any one of you guys an gals on the forum that have heard PYRAMAZE "LEGEND OF THE BONE CARVER" could you please go to and type in PYRAMAZE on the search and write a review of the CD, it would be a great help, the more reviews that are posted the more orders and then the big retailers will see it is selling and then they will order it for stock, and sell. So please if you can and are willing please write a review. I know LANCE and the guys will appreciate it.:rock:
Ok, I put in a review for it. Sorry if it isn't very good, it's one of my firsts.

It is under my mom's name because that is the account I have been using since I was 4-5 or so years younger because I obviously didn't have a credit card.

I hope the reviews help sell more albums, the band deserves it!
Hey Pyramaze51, I'm currently compiling a review for the new CD in my head lol, and soon I'll post a review on there! Great CD by the way...
Hey guys we really appreciate your reviews, keep them coming, they are a help, and we appreciate them! Just so you know NIGHTMARE RECORDS has major distribution with NAVARRE in the USA and a subsiderary of UNIVERSAL in Canada, so it's in everyone's system! But as John said, more reviews the better (at least if they're good ones ; ) I just want your honest opinions though, not asking for colorful fiction!

OK I'm off to deal with some orders! Stay heavy and happy!
