Check out this guy!


Jul 27, 2010
guys this dude can play!!

he is a friend of mine :)

he has a band and this is his new single :)

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Eh, he is a good player but musically this doesn't do much for me. Instrumental shred stuff is hard to pull off well now days because it's all been done already. The riffs are kind of eh and not one solo really stood out to me. At the time I was like "Kay, he's a good player" but that's about it.

In short: "Look What I Can Do" musicians just aren't interesting now days. They need to be good songwriters too, or atleast to me.
Yes I know that this song is not really an emotionally impressive one! but it wasn't really meant to be :) their album is coming out soon which has a lot of eastern musical influences and is something different so we should wait till then to see the emotional side of it :)
Instrumental Shred band #49386204 - there's no point in listening to this, rather than an established band that does the exact same thing...
Instrumental Shred band #49386204 - there's no point in listening to this, rather than an established band that does the exact same thing...

I respect him because instead of having 9999999 cover videos in his Channel he has his original songs. there are millions of shredders on Youtube who cover super fast songs even faster than the original but when it comes to songwriting they're like "WTF?"

and as I said before these videos are just some demos.nothing more. they have a long way to go and still need time to find their own unique style.

by the way I really like this one.

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there are millions of shredders on Youtube who cover super fast songs even faster than the original but when it comes to songwriting they're like "WTF?"

Millions of shredders like that, and hundreds of thousands of shredders like him. There are billions of people who play guitar, but how many people in the world are considered truly great guitarists?

If they have a long way to go before finding a unique style, then he has a long way to go before I, and probably most people, will be interested.

I'm not saying hes at all bad, hes very very good, I've just seen it before.
Millions of shredders like that, and hundreds of thousands of shredders like him. There are billions of people who play guitar, but how many people in the world are considered truly great guitarists?

If they have a long way to go before finding a unique style, then he has a long way to go before I, and probably most people, will be interested.

I'm not saying hes at all bad, hes very very good, I've just seen it before.

if we judge by these songs yes he hasn't brought anything new into metal.

but he knows middle eastern melodies and folk music of Iran. so he is definitely bringing new sounds in near future :) I've seen his collaboration with their keyboardist and they are indeed making something new.

we might look at videos and may say he is a Jeff Loomis or Michael Romeo wannabe! but that's not really the case. the same way that Alexi was thought to be Malmsteen wannabe. all we have to do is to give them quite a time :)
That's not true. There are alot of shredders and bands that have already done that :/

I know :) but it's a different story here in Iran. we have some instruments here like Tar and Setar ( probably the grandfathers of guitar) which are somehow bound to our culture so adding them would make any band sound different.

by the way it's hard to be really creative and a big break through nowadays because almost every slant has been done to metal but should that stop us from forming bands? :)

"Nothing is a cliche when it's happening to you." Max Payne
I can understand that you have a certain patriotic feeling about this guy, but eastern influences on neoclassical shredding are something that's been done, several times, by Yngwie even. I doubt any worthwhile milk can be had from this cow. Everyone's bored of it.

I'm not saying that you're friend shouldn't keep trying by any means, he's obviously a good musician, but songwriting-wise he's not bring anything new to the table and if anything with the style he does have it's not up to par with other bands with the same style.

I'm sure alot of people will like it but the elitists and other people who know better won't be impressed.
Guys , when we talk about eastern or in particular middle eastern music we should separate turkish and arabic and persian music.

yes we have a band called Orphaned Land from Israel who performs this type of music and also Myrath from Tunisia who perform another form of Oriental Metal. but no band has yet revealed any metal with Persian influences. and that's why I'm quite hopeful about this band. and it does not have to do anything with my friendship.

by the way. some things may not be tangible for western people. I can almost say that metal fans here are living in a situation like America's 80's or something like that.
so things that may look uncool or stereotyped for you is absolutely acceptable and exciting for this generation here :)

For instance you may look at this band and say : oh another Amon Amarth!

but I think they're having so much fun doing this. and seriously what could be cooler for an Iranian guy who is 18 and a band is singing about their glorious history and stuff like that?
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I am not Iranian, and I'm not particularily interested in their culture. So, there would be many many things cooler to me, than an Iranian teenager singing about his "glorious" history.

Watching The Wizard, with Fred Savage. That is much cooler than Iranian teenagers.
I am not Iranian, and I'm not particularily interested in their culture. So, there would be many many things cooler to me, than an Iranian teenager singing about his "glorious" history.

I think he meant that a teenager who lives there can relate to the music/ go crazy and shed tears when listening to them because they're singing about that "glorious" history.

Still, as a German I don't get it.
I am not Iranian, and I'm not particularily interested in their culture. So, there would be many many things cooler to me, than an Iranian teenager singing about his "glorious" history.

Watching The Wizard, with Fred Savage. That is much cooler than Iranian teenagers.

it's a matter of taste I guess. and if we put it this way I could say that I'm not a viking and norse culture is just so different from mine so why the hell should I listen to Amon Amarth, Fintroll and....

but that wasn't the case for me. so I embraced those bands and I found out that I can relate to those bands and cultural differences are not a boundary but more of chance to observe maybe the same content in different ways.

the same band (Arsames) that you call uncool won the most votes in Metalcamp in Slovenia. (the year they had a live show there)

people love old stories. and many bands have told the stories about Aesir Odin Ragnarok Valhalla and....and also Greek mythos have been used a lot. so what's wrong with telling a new story? Persian Immortals, Ahoora, Zoorvan and Zorostarian mythos and... could be awesome things to deal with in musical conent. so why not take the western influences and inject our culture into it

As I said Cliches serve people who did not have the chance to experience the same thing in the past so well.

during the 90's when leather jackets and chains were brought back, the situation might have seemed so stereotyped for an American! oh another Judas Priest tribute band!

but they turned out to be a whole new movement and a new page of metal music.

I don't want to say that these Iranian musicians are doing anything noble. I listen to their songs once in a long while but I totally understand them and I never blame them for something that is stereotyped. but that is to be expected for now and with the system we have now it can't get any better.

so all we can do is to hope for the better things to come.

by the way I think we must accept that it's almost near impossible to bring something completely new into metal because all of mixes and slants have been done before.