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New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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HAha, you talk about hardcore fans.

Just in case you dont go for the is a summery

Its from the Blind Guardian forum. Some guy said he didnt like the new cd. The replies were **similar to this**:

"you dont like it? I didnt either at first, I listened to it 30 times and then i liked it. You have to really concentrate and listen very close."

hahahahahaha 30 fucking times! hahahaha

ANd then there is shit like this:
"You dont like it?. I didnt either at first, but after about 20 listens I liked it. You have to listen to each instrament individually. If you still dont like it, just keep it in your changer and eventually it will grow on you."

HAHAHAHA, can you believe that shit. I always give my new cd's a chance, but 20 to 30 listens..these guys seem like they would buy a cd with HANSI farting...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If it doesn't grow on me in 3 listens, I give up on it. That's my rule, though usually I won't make it past 2 if I don't like it. 20-30 times is ridiculous; Titney Spears would grow on you after that many listens. I didn't really like the new BG on the first listen, so I'll listen once more. If I still don't like it; I'm gonna delete the mp3s.
Is it bad that I haven't listened to half of the cd's in my collection 20 times?

After 2 listens it gets put in the buy back bin if I don't "get it".:lol:
Hey man, BG are fuckin' amazing. Incredibly talented, and incredibly good. I bought the new CD, and i think it's great. It took me one listend to get into it, but then again, BG is one of my fav. bands so take that how you will.
Originally posted by QuothTheRaven
Hey man, BG are fuckin' amazing. Incredibly talented, and incredibly good. I bought the new CD, and i think it's great. It took me one listend to get into it, but then again, BG is one of my fav. bands so take that how you will.

Hey, have to respect that. SUre do. If a person digs the first time , that is way cool. If a person forces it on themselves, thats ok just seems useless to make yourself get into something.
actually.i dunno...if we're talking about your fave band,i find it pretty normal.i mean,i liked all nevermore albums at first,but i really loved them after months..when i first bought theater's awake,i hated it except for space-dye took me one year of listening to it now and then to like it,and now i consider it one of the best albums ever.So,when the new dream theater was out,i bought it,and though it felt strange at first,i gave it time because i knew it hid more than a couple of listens can reveal and now i love it too.but i only do that with bands that i know that are worth,not every band i get in my hands.btw i didn't like nightfall in middle earth at first,after 5-6 listens i thought it was great
after all,that's one of the differences of metal with pop...pop is music that sticks in your mind at the first listen,good metal has depth..i see your point,i'm just the devil's advocate here i guess
DRAGONLORD>>>I agree somewhat with what youve just said. NIGHTFALL in middle...was the same for me, all but, there were a few songs that got hold of me real fast, so while listening to the ones i liked right away, helped me to get into the rest of teh cd. I now call that one BG's best.

Your also right about that pop stuff.good call ol boy.

The thing that got me as being funny, is the 30 times stuff. Man, if i dont dig a single song on a cd, after 5 or 6 listens.......its over haha.
Originally posted by ledmag

HAha, you talk about hardcore fans.

Just in case you dont go for the is a summery

Its from the Blind Guardian forum. Some guy said he didnt like the new cd. The replies were **similar to this**:

"you dont like it? I didnt either at first, I listened to it 30 times and then i liked it. You have to really concentrate and listen very close."

hahahahahaha 30 fucking times! hahahaha

ANd then there is shit like this:
"You dont like it?. I didnt either at first, but after about 20 listens I liked it. You have to listen to each instrament individually. If you still dont like it, just keep it in your changer and eventually it will grow on you."

HAHAHAHA, can you believe that shit. I always give my new cd's a chance, but 20 to 30 listens..these guys seem like they would buy a cd with HANSI farting...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It took them 15 months to record the album. And it is a very intense album so I see no wrong in having to listen to it a lot of times before you get your head around it. The great albums are the ones that take a while to get into.
Originally posted by At The Gates

It took them 15 months to record the album. And it is a very intense album so I see no wrong in having to listen to it a lot of times before you get your head around it. The great albums are the ones that take a while to get into.

If thats what floats your boat, good deal.

All i can say is, I got teh new single, an dit was just not good enough for a 4 month recording session.

Enjoy listening to it 60 or 70 times, while your board out of your mind, trying to like it. Hell, just tell yourself its real good, whether it is or not, eventually you will believe it.
I didn't say it took me 30 listens to liek the album or single, I liked them right away. The fact that I like them even more after 30 listens is only proof that it has staying power or whatever you want to call it.
actually.i dunno...if we're talking about your fave band,i find it pretty normal.i mean,i liked all nevermore albums at first,but i really loved them after months..when i first bought theater's awake,i hated it except for space-dye took me one year of listening to it now and then to like it,and now i consider it one of the best albums ever.So,when the new dream theater was out,i bought it,and though it felt strange at first,i gave it time because i knew it hid more than a couple of listens can reveal and now i love it too.but i only do that with bands that i know that are worth,not every band i get in my hands.btw i didn't like nightfall in middle earth at first,after 5-6 listens i thought it was great after all,that's one of the differences of metal with pop...pop is music that sticks in your mind at the first listen,good metal has depth..i see your point,i'm just the devil's advocate here i guess

Well, BG isn't my fav. band, just damn close. I agree with your analysis of nightfall. I bought it because i had the century media compilation Identity Five and into the storm was on it. I loved that song so much i decided to buy the album, and was dissapointed at first. However, after listening to it, i thought it was awsome too. However, Night at the opera grabbed me right away. I think Sadly Sings Destiny is a friggin' amazing song. Anyways, good point about about that comparison between pop and metal. :headbang: