CHeck out this mix. pop/metal mix

Might wanna upload to a host like dropbox that will let the user stream mp3s.

Not my style of music. But the mix sounds alright, except the drums sound quite unnatural as to be expected of a drum V-Instrument. There's a noticeable drop in the guitars' volume in some parts which could possibly be smoothed out as well (automation I'm guessing). Apart from that it is sounding good.
The Vocal sound is good! His voice sounds very much like A Day To Remember... Not a big fan of that, but it's not bad.

The guitars sounds kinda muddy imo, the bass could stick out more aswell. Unnatural drums, but that can be fixed I guess ;)

The cymbal that is played on alot around the middle of the song has a really sharp and annoying frequenzy that you should cut. Can't tell you exactly where, and don't have time to check it out ^^ but I would guess 4k-8k somewhere. Boost with a High Q and you'll find it easy.

Keep up the good work, this has great potential.