Check this and tell me...

hehehe :D

But let me tell you know of some people that believe in dreams and in strange things that happen? For example, if they see a black cat passing by in front of you then something bad will happen to you...there are many things that some people believe in.

One of these things is that if you see an owl looking at you then....someone close to you will....die.... o_O

But of know how it goes! If you don't believe at these things then they don't happen! hehehe :heh:
I've never heard that one before. :eek:

If a bird craps on you, it's supposed to be good luck. I didn't see it that way when a bird crapped on my hand, and the slightly less-than-solid missile sort of flopped off my hand and into my drink. :/
Rusty said:
I've never heard that one before. !:eek:

If a bird craps on you, it's supposed to be good luck. I didn't see it that way when a bird crapped on my hand, and the slightly less-than-solid missile sort of flopped off my hand and into my drink. :/

I heard if you step it dog shit that its good luck too.