Check this out if you ar e a fan of Miyazaki Hayao.


Nov 6, 2002
Let's face it. Most televison is just vapid bullshit to sell you drama, products and jack up TV ratings and people just watch it to forget their day. But there are exceptions like this series.

Miyazaki Hayao written and directed an anime called "Future Boy Conan" with 26 episodes and it aired on NHK in 1978. His movies are quite known outside of Japan thanks to Disney releasing "Spirited Away" (2001) and "Howl's Moving Castle" (2004) in North America. But, unforutnately this TV series, is not as well known outside of Japan probably because a English dub version has yet to be released. If you like his films check this out to see this early project of his. It is commonly pointed out that this series closely resembles "Castle In The Sky (Laputa)" (1986). They both pose themes which can be relevant today:

1) Our technological dependence within industrial civilization. How we have to deal with technology.
2) What really may happen if there will be a nuclear war in the future and/or our civilization were to go to waste.
3) What should be the ideal way we should build society and civilization?
4) How civilizations must fight with nature to survive yet we can not disrespect it and live seperate from it.
4) How beautiful it is that life keeps going. We lose that fact, since most of us are rather numbly just living comfortably with high standards.

I will give a brief summary of this series. This is loosely based on a juvenile, sci-fi literature piece by Alexander Key titled "The Incredible Tide" released in 1970 in the States. Like some of his other films, it is formed around a piece of literature done already by something else, yet taking off from it.

July 2008, humanity was virtually wiped out in World War 3 due to dropping of a magnetic bomb which far surpasses the nuclear bomb developed in World War 2. The major 5 continents have been drowned and the Earth's magnetic axis has been thrown off. Only small islands remained on earth and survivors had to again start again from scratch. The story begins in 2028 with a young boy named Conan living with an old man on a small island. His parents among a small group barely escaped the magnetic bomb by attempting to escape to space with a rocket but that failed and the rocket crashed back on earth to a remote island. His parents and the smallgroup died other than this old man. Conan's adventure begins when finds a girl around his age, washed up on shore on his island...

Want to check out where Miyazaki origins lie? Then this is a must see. Here are the Japanese episodes 1 to 5 with English subtitles. I'll try to find the rest of the episodes under English subtitles, because I could only find ones done in Spanish. Enjoy the episodes.


Episode 1:

Episode 2:


Episode 3:


Episode 4:


Episode 5:


If you want to download the rest of the series, you maybe able to find an English sub-titled version though torrents.