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Aug 1, 2002
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Hey guys... I was just checking and I found an "interesting" article written by this so-called writer called Eric Heyl, from the Pittsburgh Tribune. The article regarding Adam Gadahn, a California guy who's being hunted for possibly being an Al Qaeda colaborator. This "writer" is blaming Heavy Metal music for turning the guy into what he's become. Funny lines are among "Over the years, the musical genre's aggressive rhythms, distorted guitars and dark lyrical content have been conclusively proven to be solely responsible for a host of societal ills. Just ask the many organizations that have blamed heavy metal for murder, suicide, depression, drug abuse, date rape, flat beer, clogged lint traps, bad hair days and tumor growth in select laboratory rats." and also "Gadahn began listening to heavy metal. Soon thereafter, he wasn't bathing regularly, keeping his room tidy or being nice to his parents. "

You can read the article in this link :

Now, would someone please call this "writer" and tell him to fuck off? I already called and left a message on the answering

What a sick bastard...
If that is the guy's picture.....then it's no surprise that such a conservative looking yuppie would think that way. (my apologies to any metal head yuppies out there).

It just goes to show you that only intelligent, college educated "people" are capable of believing in the most ridiculous & absurd reasons for social problems.

I'm also an Anime fan. My room looks like a perverbial comic book store with wall to wall posters. Should I "choose" to join a terrorist group, "they" would blame Japanese Animation for corrupting me. :loco:

The real "terrorists" are social cowards like this writer, blaming/scaring/terrorizing people to focus their fears and insecurities against something they don't understand - like "heavy metal".
Quote :
"The real "terrorists" are social cowards like this writer, blaming/scaring/terrorizing people to focus their fears and insecurities against something they don't understand - like "heavy metal".

May your words be blessed. Amen.

Just call him anyway... lol
I mean really he needs to get life. Its the same thing with the school shutings and to much violance in video games. if i had my guess i would say, he is probably a person that thinks the only thing that should be out their is christian music, games, tv showes, etc. because and i quote my father on this "god is everything and good and nothing could be wrong if god is in it. It could only influence children in a good way not a bad way."
I'm not a yuppie but very conservative. And this is not a very conservative viewpoint this guy is espousing, but a modern liberal one. The same person would no doubt shy away from stating any of the negative consequences of the wide acceptance of unsavory aspects of rap/hip hop culture which have, inarguably helped perpetuate the very social ills they are derived from in the first place. The truth is that alot of people get into darker kinds of metal because they already have a screw loose and they just take things way farther than (usually) the artists themselves would have ever considered. Plus, people are stupid.
hunter said:
It just goes to show you that only intelligent, college educated "people" are capable of believing in the most ridiculous & absurd reasons for social problems.
Actually, hunter, the writer seems to be using his college education to state ironically that blaming heavy metal for Gadahn's problems is silly...kinda like your assertion quoted above.

Demonspell said:
You have to read carefully to know it's a satirical article, though the circumstances behind it are real...

I don't think you have to read it that closely to figure it out.

Over the years, the musical genre's aggressive rhythms, distorted guitars and dark lyrical content have been conclusively proven to be solely responsible for a host of societal ills. Just ask the many organizations that have blamed heavy metal for murder, suicide, depression, drug abuse, date rape, flat beer, clogged lint traps, bad hair days and tumor growth in select laboratory rats.

Paragraphs like this one kinda give it away...
I kinda got it now... don't mind me, reading an article like that in a hurry ends up in this... my apologies to the writer....

i feel stupid but whatever... lol