Check this out...

Originally posted by justvisiting
hey dude that sounds awesome! how exactly do you do the sweeping?? i downloaded your tab and have been practicing...i cant get the sweeping parts to sound remotley like the song..

Very very slowly at first. It's best to turn the tempo way down to like 140 in guitar pro, mute the lead guitar track and play along with it. If you speed the tempo up to quick you will regret it.

To do the sweeps, I'm not sure if you have practiced sweeping before so I'll give you some basic info. :) Don't pick each individual string. You glide your pick across them. You might be better off to just glide your pick across the strings without even fretting any notes at first to get an idea of the feel of it. Sweep picking is a catch 22 type deal. It's easier to do faster, but you have to practice it very slow to be able to do it to begin with. Make sure you hit every note on time. When I first started learning it I was playing the first parts of the sweep slower than they where suppose to be, then on the hammer-ons and pulloffs I would play twice as fast to make up for the slowness at the beginning. You definatly don't want to do that. Keep everything perfectly in time. Break it off into sections too. Don't try to learn it all at once. Just a little bit at a time. It probably took me a total of 16 hours of practicing it before I could do it somewhat decent. It takes a while ;)

Good luck!
heh im practicing that like crazy fuck too,,...
chainek did a gr8 job! i think it's really good stuff chainek, crongrats:)
Originally posted by gothErika®
heh im practicing that like crazy fuck too,,...
chainek did a gr8 job! i think it's really good stuff chainek, crongrats:)

Thanks gothErica :)

As soon as I get my new guitar I'm going to try and make my own recording of the whole warheart song. Solo and everything. Maybe I'll post that up here also ;)
hmmm.. I can play all of downfall, i can kind of play the solo for wrath within (i stopped practicing it a long time ago), Most of the song children of bodom. Mostly just bits and pieces of other songs. I spend most of my time trying to write my own songs and recording them. If anybody cares to listen to one of my own songs you can get it here.

Good luck on that riff. If you decide to learn some more I have a COB lesson page on It's in the metal section of the lessons called 'awesome classical sounding metal riffs'.
I think you should be able to play bed of razor easely.

I don't play well (I started about 6 months ago), but I can play most of this song (at a quite lower tempo, but I can play it anyway which mean this song must be quite easy...)

I never tried to play the solo, and I have difficulties when I totally have to change my hand position, but other than that, I can play it.
That's cool dude. 6 months of playing and you can play most of bed of razors is a good achievment. You might wan't to work on some rythm playing before you go right into playing leads. It will help alot in your timing. You will get a better feel of the fretboard that way too.

Yeah, I use to know alot of bed of razors. I have a horrible memory though and forget just about anything I learn if I don't play it everyday.
Thanks ! (I just hope what I mean by "playing" is what other people would also mean...) And it's sometimes (and sometimes often) a bit crushy*, noisy, between the different notes... :mad: (*not sure of the words I use... :grin: )

And you're right, I should practice rythm playing, but it's quite boring, and really repetitive... In fact, it's boring because it doesn't looks like you make lot of progress, it's not as impressive as solos so you don't feel as proud as when you play solos, and you don't feel like you learn a lot, but I guess this is essential and usefull, so I have to practice !
While we're talking about Bed Of Razors, the rythm part is also quite easy to play, with lot of power chords and quite a lot of move along the neck. I think is good to practice this one.
Could you give me some good songs for practising rythm playing ?

I downloaded your song. That's great, you play well ! It looks a bit like an old Metallica (well, a bit), iI think this is the sound that sounds like a bell sound at the beginning whicg reminds me of "wherever I may roam".
What I don't like in your song is that there's not enough rythm changes, and no (or few) sound changes. I think you should include some big heavy riffs with power chords, and break the solo guitar sound. But I'm not a metal master so I can't be sure of what I say.

One last question, how do I do harmonics ?
I think natural harmonics are the one we do by hiting the string fastly at the 12th fret, but how do I do artificial harmonics ?
Yeah, I know what you mean. My rythm playing/writing isn't very good. I don't like putting alot time into writing rythm parts because like you said it's not as impressive as what lead playing is. But without good rythm it could ruin a song. That is why I said it would be a good idea to practice rythm, I made a mistake by not putting much effort into it. Now I need to hold off on my lead practicing and work on rythms.

The song 'Children of Bodom' has a really cool rythm intro. Every tab I found for it though was wrong. I'll tab it out and post it here in a little bit.

You play natural harmonics by barely touching the string with your fretting hand. (don't push the string down, just touch it) at the same time you pick the note you lift your finger off the string. Natural harmonics only occure at certain spots on the fretboard. Try this: their is a natural harmonic on the B string (A string if you are tuned down to D) between the 14th and 15th fret. You actually hold your finger right over the fret itself.
Here is a tab I made of the intro to 'Children of Bodom'.

crap! My bandwith limit is exceded. Must be becuase i put that video on my site. Ill email it to you in just a second.

Edit: your profile doesnt show your email adress. And the email thingy in the um doesnt allow atachment. You'll have to post your adress here.