Check This!

Jan F.

New Metal Member
Jun 14, 2003
A completely new review of Enemies Of Reality can be found at WWW.BEATTHEBLIZZARD.TK

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Nevermore - Enemies Of Reality
[size=-2]Reviewed by Jan F. Lindsø in 2003[/size]
[size=-2]Buy cd here for a cheap price[/size]

[size=-2]Enemies of reality[/size]
[size=-2]The first time I really got into Nevermore was when they released Dead Heart In A Dead World. Probably my mistake that I haven’t checked them out earlier, cause I must say that enjoy their music, especially the voice of Warrel Dane. Nevermore has become a well-known name all over the world.

Enemies of Reality starts with the title-track, a powerful start of an excellent release. The CD continues with awesome songs after each other. The CD sounds a bit similar to Dead Heart In A Dead World, but is in my opinion better. Enemies of Reality is a varied release with both calm songs and really heavy songs, played in the Nevermore-way. If I should name some favorite songs, I`ll pick the title-track and Who Decides. Maybe the songs may sound pretty similar in the start but give the CD a chance. To me it sounds better for each time listening to it. I command you to go and buy it!

[size=-2]Rating: 9/10[/size]
[size=-2]01 - Enemies Of Reality
02 - Ambivalent
03 - Never Purify
04 - Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday
05 - I, Voyager
06 - Create The Infinite
07 - Who Decides
08 - Noumenon
09 - Seed Awakening[/size]

Thought I would post the review for those of us who are lazy. CHEERS. ENJOY.