Checking in from New Orleans

Feb 9, 2002
New Orleans, LA
Hello everyone,

I read this forum quite a bit, but never really post. I have been a resident of New Orleans/Metairie all my life.

Both me, my wife and dog survived just fine, we ended up in Dallas for a month, and came back to a house that was totally ok. My street had major flooding, however I was one of three or four houses on my block that did not get water. Thank goodness for old, raised houses. Check this action out:


That's my house. My car is the green one on the left.

This is looking up the street:


My neighbor boated in to take these pictures and check out house. Like I said the water stopped right below our top step.

This is looking up my street after the water has gone down, and people are tearing out everything from their bottom floors. Sorry about the size.


Anyways, the water got over my dash in my car. The car is totalled. I forgot to take out the 6 cd's from the changer before I left. Inside of it was the Inner Circle Limited edition, along with

Life of Agony-Broken Valley
Tesla-Into the Now
King's X Dogman
In Flames-Reroute to Remain

The day before my car was towed, I was able to take the changer apart, and behold to my eyes, the cd's were untouched. Fine, no dirt, water anything. They are all ok. Evergrey survived Katrina.

It's pretty surreal driving around town, you cross the 17th St Canal and go from normal everyday life into a warzone. My wife's parents, her cousin, and my stepbrother lost their homes to 10 feet of flood water. This is what a flooded out house looks like:

If you see the last picture you will notice a clean glass of water. The cofee table floated up, and then down without tipping pver. The glass was from the morning that her parents evacuated. There is street after street, mile after mile of this.

I do have some more pictures, whenever I get off my lazy ass I will post em online.

It will be a long time before any shows come back to New Orleans.

To the band, I really enjoyed seeing you guys back in 04 with Iced Earth. I also saw you headline Progpower a couple years ago. I hope to see you live again.

Thanks for listening.
