Chicken Pox


Jul 21, 2003
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Our luke has them , lets hope he dosent end up lke this :erk:
Su Jacko said:
Awwww, it is better now than when he's older though! I got thm when I was 19 and it was tres miserables :yell:
The calomine lotion..fuck was that cold!
I cant use it on his skin cos he has eczema too :erk: so i have to give him piriton medicine to stop the itchin, i got them when i was 13 on fuckin holiday, can you believe that, it did my head in.
You can get them twice if you have a poo immune system or low white blood cell count or whatever..Ive had them 3 times it kinda sucks I had them was last year and my mum kept shouting at me for scratching my arse. The worst part is if they scar so no scratching young luke!
I had chicken pox when I was seven and I looked like the kid in the picture. I had them in my mouth, down my throat, on my scalp, and in my ears in addition to everywhere freakin' else. It happened in the summertime, so I couldn't miss any school. :(
Susie said:
Does anyone know if you can get then twice?
no, you can't get chicken pox twice. Fortunately. There's epidemic at Tara's school too.
Half of her class has got them now.
She had them when she was 8 months, a week after I had the shingles (dead tired ,no vitamines). It's the same virus. (got me a nice scar btw)
I used eosine (red stuff to dry out) for her and some menthol powder for the itching.

Hope he gets well soon.
I dont know the truth of the chicken pox virus and it dosent tell me on the internet either, though dunc nice one for that, i did read about the asprin thing thats looks bad, and @ bleed black orchid hahhaa sorry but isnt that your luck to get them 3 times , i have never heard of that :erk: shit, anyway he is made up to be off school, though he will miss his first school trip tomorrow :erk:
oo what a pity! I bet he was looking forward to that.

I did some searching on the Internet about shingles because I was worried about it being contageous. The doctor assured me that it wasn't tho I read sth different on the web. And... I was right, Tara got chicken pox. (it's the varicella zoster virus)

(blacheyed is right, the second time it's shingles (very painful btw , had it in me neck))