Chicken Wing Pubes

ahhhh ok, I know what you mean now. It could well be a Liverpool thing.
Bones in fish, never could deal with that and the idea of eating bread with the meal to help any bones you've swollowed to go down...what!?

Would that not just rip your arse in twain, when it doth reach the nether end?
I know of the horror of which you speak ... what ya do is take the skin off .. cos there is no way you can concentrate on eating with chicken pube so close to yer face.

I usually find they are only on the like chinese chicken wings the red ones are the worst for it big bright red chicken pyabs staring at ya ..
bleed_black_orchid said:
I know of the horror of which you speak ... what ya do is take the skin off .. cos there is no way you can concentrate on eating with chicken pube so close to yer face.

I usually find they are only on the like chinese chicken wings the red ones are the worst for it big bright red chicken pyabs staring at ya ..
Hhahahahahaa i can truly tell you have had the misfortune of the hairy chicken, because me and mick were shopping and decided to get some red chinese chicken, when we sat in the car after shoppin all hungry and that we nearly vomited at our fleece lined chicken wings :ill: never again from now on its KFC cos the coating hides a multitude of sins :D
ah shut up, chicken pubes are the stuff of british food. we used to sell pig's trotter in chippys ffs!!
anyway, a bit of a pyab is nothing - i had a fully fledged feather on my wing once, made me realise it was once alive though, so i missed out on the chickeny goodness.
my mar always buys pigs trotters off Widnes Market .. strange woman. dont think I could eat a trotter? Infact what is it with old skool eating habbits? Tripe for gods sake? oh the humanity

the hell that is the red wirey chicken pyabs .. and when u have to remove the skin u get covered in that sticky red stuff ... ya just cant win I tell ya!
Achernar said:
Hey, no chicken has pubes sticking out of her wings down here FFS! :ill:
OOOOh yes it does here it does, just looooook :ill: