and what about chickens?

Stop dissing Mr. Cantrell, the hero of my late teenager years :cry:

But wind my neck in love... what does that mean? though it sounds nicely metaphorical.
Maqus said:
Stop dissing Mr. Cantrell, the hero of my late teenager years :cry:

But wind my neck in love... what does that mean? though it sounds nicely metaphorical.
I think it means BBO joins snow2fall, and allan in the list of normally mild mannered peoples that youve wound up, go ed!!:Spin:
if she only knew how hitler tried to be mate with derty arabs, she might change her mind. by the way im sure shes well pissed off over that new movie about hitler, thinking hes too nice in that movie and we should stop discussing that matter and all.
Als positives Erbe der Jahre der Teilung besitzt Berlin eine herausragende Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungslandschaft, da sowohl die früheren Bundesregierungen als auch die DDR aus politischen Erwägungen heraus Wissenschaftspotenziale in Berlin konzentriert haben.
Hilter got a new movie??


Bambi said:
I think it means BBO joins snow2fall, and allan in the list of normally mild mannered peoples that youve wound up, go ed!!:Spin:

Ahh, I'm but a weak, desperate and sweat-smelling copy compared to the Master :worship:

need some smileys to upgrade this crap post: :blush: :loco: ;)


Still, BBO, snow2fall, Allan, I'm sowwy I've wound you up, my intentions are intentionally good, I just fuck up on the way.