Chief B - Great Review

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Often when I run across a Metal disc, whose roots clearly lie on the wrong side of the tracks, I come to this forum, do a search, and see what the prevailing wisdom on the band is. I like to know where what I've just heard ranks in the band's discography, whether it represents a change in direction, etc. So, as the sounds of Nightfall's "I Am Jesus" poured out of my office, causing my wife to yell up, "Close the door", I browsed on over to the Royal Carnage site. The reviews on the site are typically superb, but I especially enjoyed Chief B's review of this disc... it's dead on. Good job.

For those of you who haven't heard it, check it out. It's definitely worth the investment of your time.

I heard this Nightfall CD when I was visiting the Chief in London. I thought it was really different - gothic death kind of thing. I only heard a few seconds of it though...not enough to pass amy real judgement, but he ended up putting it in his top 10.

I'm actually going to read the Nightfall review again right now....

EDIT: Yeah, I forgot how good this review was. If I remember right, the band actually contacted Chief B to thank him personally. I like this bit from his top 10 write up:

This is the apex of Melodic Death Metal and the subject matter is strong enough to make a celibate priest confess deep down that he is actually a dirty priest - the same strong cravings and carnal desires haunt us all because when all is said and done, we are only human.
Black Winter Day said:
sweet! i owe more than a few blind purchases due to the site!

(fuck, i'm not even going to mention how many i buy due to the board!)
I've always made tons of blind purchases, but instead of 3 or 4 a month that number moved to 3 or 4 a week since stumbling across this forum. And browsing the 'zine for reviews I've missed (or haven't read for some time) is dangerous to my wallet, no doubt. :grin:
General Zod said:
So, as the sounds of Nightfall's "I Am Jesus" poured out of my office, causing my wife to yell up, "Close the door", I browsed on over to the Royal Carnage site. The reviews on the site are typically superb, but I especially enjoyed Chief B's review of this disc... it's dead on. Good job.
Thanks very much for your comments. They are a great band and it's a shame that not many people know about them.

The great thing about Nightfall is that their music really does rise to the top above the mass-pulp of 'paint-by-bumbers' metal bands. Like I said in my review, these guys are my new yard-stick to measure future melo-death bands against.

Black Winter Day said:
(fuck, i'm not even going to mention how many i buy due to the board!)
Maybe we should slow down on our review pipe so you don't go broke! :)