Royal Carnage Update - some changes...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

In the last few days, we've decided to make some changes to Royal Carnage that will probably be beneficial to everyone. With everyone's schedules being busy etc, we've been a little slow in getting reviews out and published.

So here is some info:

1 - We are setting up a Royal Carnage subforum. It will be used primarily for listing reviews. Since the RC staff can all publish their own threads, I (webmaster) will be removed as a bottle neck from uploads, formatting, and publishing schedules.

2 - Some reviews will stay on the site. We are making a distinction between review types. For example, some reviews don't need to be lengthy, or some promos aren't our cup of tea, and the review can therefore be published to the subforum very quickly (as soon as the writer has completed the review). Reviews that are perhaps better examples of our writing, or articles that warrant uploading to the main 'zine site will be published as normal.

3 - Unsigned acts, or demo recording reviews, will be published to the Forum Reviews section. They will possibly garner more attention that way, since this is an area that is not regularly visited on the 'zine itself. Note the recent "Seven Deadly Sins" feature where we brought some old reviews back to the foreground for improved readership - we just knew that those bands deserved better attention.

4 - If you are a forum regular, you can feel free to visit the subforum, and make comments etc on the reviews that are published there. This is very similar to the way UM publish their reviews. However, 'zine visitors will be able to hyperlink to the forum reviews from the RC site itself. We are therefore going to have two sections in the Review Index: "Site Reviews" and "Forum Reviews".

The subforum will be launched today. Over time, more and more reviews will be added directly by the RC staff writers.

Thanks for the support.


P.S. I'm sure I've missed a couple of pointers, others can feel free to jump in.
I have a review for Battle Royale 2, you can borrow it from me. Here, I found it:

It sucks.
