Royal Carnage at 2 Months


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
This Saturday, Royal Carnage turns 8 weeks old. We launched March 3rd 2003.

What an absolute whirlwind....o_O
  • Site creation with Dreamweaver & Fireworks
  • 8 staff
  • 1 art director
  • Partnered with MMJapan
  • 112 reviews
  • 15 interviews
  • Our forum
  • Label support from Century Media, Nuclear Blast, The End, Metal Blade etc.
  • Promos
  • Guest passes for concerts
  • A contest
  • 2 live reports

And there's loads more to come....

Any suggestions you guys have are more than welcome! Feel free to share ideas, or whatever you think might keep things fresh.

Otherwise have a beer this Saturday. It's on me. :)
I like the nude girl idea - obviously. The thing is, we are trying to support the metal underground. So how do we tie it into a 'metal' theme without the birds looking 'fat and ugly'? :lol:
Papa Josh said:
We put our significant others in Royal Carnage shirts... by the way where are they?

You mean you don't know where your wife is? Why are you asking us... we don't know either. :)
Hahaha, you two have your minds in the gutter, but that's the best place to be sometimes, isn't it?

As far as shirts go, they aren't going to be XXXXXXXL are they? It's tough to find fucking mediums or larges anymore. It's like they think all metalheads are these Paul Bunyan types or something...'
Papa Josh said:
As far as shirts go, they aren't going to be XXXXXXXL are they? It's tough to find fucking mediums or larges anymore. It's like they think all metalheads are these Paul Bunyan types or something...'

I wouldn't think so Papa. Since Mark knows the guy who runs the printing service, apparently we pretty much have carte blanche in that area.

All we need to do is put down the design (we already have an idea), and all you need to do is pick what style you want (hooded sweatie, long sleeve, baby doll, etc). That goes for the entire team obviously.
JayKeeley said:
I wouldn't think so Papa. Since Mark knows the guy who runs the printing service, apparently we pretty much have carte blanche in that area.

All we need to do is put down the design (we already have an idea), and all you need to do is pick what style you want (hooded sweatie, long sleeve, baby doll, etc). That goes for the entire team obviously.

I hope we can do different styles & sizes because I definitely want the baby doll - those are totally the cutest! Ooops, that's not a very metal thing to say, is it.
npearce said:
I would suggest a "nude girl of the week" section. Nobody fat and ugly please.

Fuck that! Nude bishounen! :D

I think you should review some Def Leppard albums -_-
Well, I think is still down but you'll get a fair share of bishies from there :p just don't kick my ass is you don't like it!

Nice bishies:
Final Fantasy 7 - Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth
Final Fantasy 9 - Zidane, Kuja
Gundam Wing - Duo, Quatre

As far as elf ears go, you can find yaoi of Link from the Zelda games out there...I don't like that :loco:
UM fucked when I posted ^ and though I see my post here the forum page still says Jay posted last. I'm befuzzled :confused:
Wow. I miss the old days when everything was fresh and exciting. No stacks of worthless promos, no obligations other than what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it. A blessing and ultimately a curse that it took off the way it did.

I still have my shirt. Wore it at Wacken and consider it a true sentimental item.