BREAKING NEWS at Royal Carnage!


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
I've just received confirmation from the very wonderful Loana Valencia, George Vallee, and Jill Farthing (of Century Media and Nuclear Blast's respective publicity departments) that Royal Carnage has been added to both their publicity lists!

From the email, written by Loana:

"Royal has just been added to the Century Media/Nuclear Blast USA promotional mailing list. ¡congratulations on being the the QUICKEST contact to be added! Jill & George came back from New Jersey speaking VERY HIGHLY of you (i feel awful that i didn't get to meet you), so, to thank you for being such an awesome person, from this day forward, you'll be receiving e-mail information about our bands, advanced cds, and tour announcements. ¿ain't life grand?"

I'm sorry this comes off as braggart-like, but it honestly made me incredibly happy and proud, not just of accomplishing something at this very early stage, but for the entire Royal Carnage team. We've worked our asses off and we feel the end results speak volumes about where we're going with this.

The BEST PART is that as the largest, and most influential of the independent metal undergound labels, Royal Carnage can now be at the forefront at bringing the latest coverage of so many fans' favorite bands.

A very, VERY huge thanks to Century Media & Nuclear Blast for trusting in our vision and agreeing to work with us. Massive props for their help in making Royal Carnage the destination for the metal underground! Cheers gang. :cool:
Ha, I wish I could!

I'm in a hotel room in Albany, NY. I'm supposed to be working on a presentation for tomorrow morning, and I can't concentrate on anything! So I'm eating spare ribs and drinking soda. Ha!
Of course, myself, Haddsie, and Chief B are all huddled around my PC reading, and then re-reading the e-mail Century Media/Nuclear Blast sent. :spin:

And to think, we only launched NINE days ago. This is what it's all about. Success, integrity and fun with all our friends. :)

So to further the celebration(s), I'd like to add a quick reminder that the Royal Carnage launch party is happening this Friday at the Symphony X show in New York. Of course we will toast all those who cannot make it, and toast with those who can. All are welcome.

First round is on me. :)
rottingflesh said:
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better...I
have missed talking to you.

Thanks Linda, I've missed talking to you too. :waah:

It's been 3 of the worst weeks of my life with this illness, I am sooooooooo ready to take my life back, starting with Symphony X headlining this Friday, YES!!!!
JayKeeley said:
And to think, we only launched NINE days ago. This is what it's all about. Success, integrity and fun with all our friends. :)

That is really something. You should be fucking proud of yourselves! (well, I can tell you are ;)) Go break the news on the PowerQuest forum!

Well bloody done!