Child Custody


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
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What are the laws in Europe? If you have joint visitation with an ex-spouse in one country and you want to move to another country and it's too far for joint custody accomodation under the law, I'm assuming that you can't move? You can't in the US. You need to stay within range (e.i. you CANNOT move out of state when you share custody of a child). You, by law, must uphold the joint custody agreement you've signed, a part of which is due access to the child, or you need to go to court to fight for full custody without accomodation of mandatory visitation rights by the other party. Or you must give up custody to the other party.

What are the laws in Europe about this?
ehh.. europe is a geographical region that contains numerous countries, so the law will probably differ from country to country.
Yeah, child crustody isn't under EU regulation, hehe.

I don't know much about our laws concerning child custody, in fact, it's always decided on a single-case basis. I know that if the child is old enough to have a say, s/he is always asked which parent s/he chooses, and if s/he's above 14, the court can't decide without his/her agreement. Again, the parents should have an agreement concerning the kid's keeping contact with the other parent, that's the first thing, and if the parents can't agree, then the court decides on the regularity (every two weeks, usually), and I guess the parent who has the custody can't hinder the kid's contact with the other parent, unless it endangers the kid's well-being. But I'm not sure that implies that the parent can't leave the country, I guess because first of all it's the child who decides about the custody, so if s/he wants to go abroad with the parent under whose custody s/he is, the other parent can't do much about it. Don't know about babies, apparently, the case is more complicated then.
Maybe ppl will can see it in Russia 15-20 generations later.They can, however, see it in the future,when we will take control over the country....Brynjar, what kind of revolution you propose??
Mick Moss said:
In England the laws are stacked against the father quite heavily.

They aren't here. If a father has joint custody OR, yeah, I forgot to say, visitation rights, the other parent can't just up and move anywhere. Not even out of state of the other parent. It's not the child's decision here if he or she visits the other parent, it's the courts decision, whether the child wants to or not, up until something like 14 or 15. There has to be a really good reason why the court would decide that a parent would have his visitation rights taken away or not protected by the state in the judicial system, like there had to be CLEAR and REPETITIVE abuse going on, enough to call in social welfare. As a matter of fact, social welfare would have much more say about a parent having visitation rights interrupted that would the other parent as far as the court would be concerned with testimony and making a decision like that.
the other thing is, in the US, sometimes if there is a question of custody, like if it is brought up because of a disagreement, and there is no clear reason why one parent SHOULD have the child over the other, the court will inevitably give the child to the parent who can provide the best for the kid, just simply more income, health insurance, and possibly the presence of a two parent household over a single.


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