Childhood Musical Memories

Yeah. I suppose you could say a song like that would have an influence on kids like Wanda to grow to dig Metal!

Oh wow, Linda too!
I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa constrictor by Shel Silverstein

I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa constrictor
I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa constrictor
I'm Being Swallowed by a Boa constrictor
And I don't like it one little bit!
Oh no, he swallowed my toe.
Oh gee, he swallowed my knee.
Oh my, he's up to my thigh.
Oh fiddle, he's up to my middle.
Oh heck, he's up to my neck.
Oh dread, he's swallowed my...ssssssssss! :zombie:

Low-strung Finder of Useless Trivia
This is freaky I remember all this stuff. Boa Constrictor too, Yikes! That school house rock and kroft super star stuff stuck in my head for years. o_O "Electricity, E-lectricity...", "Conjunction junction, what’s your function..." ,"They call me yuck mouth, cause I don't brush and I hack my teeth like this..."
Slayer has nothing on this. This is evil I tell you, PURE EVIL! :devil:
I wore out my Monster Mash and Country Bear Jamboree albums. The Muppet Movie Soundtrack ruled. Another favorite that was actually kinda scary for a kid (especially for Disney), was the Rescuers soundtrack - Madame Medusa yelling at Penny while she's down in a well "find the diamond or you'll never see daylight again!" :cry:
After that it was all Dr. Demento and WWF when I was in 5th-7th grade. Now I'm scaring myself. :eek:
How about
"Verb. VERB! That's what's happening..."

or "I'm just a bill, and I'm sitting on Capitol Hill."

"I find it quite interesting, a noun's a person, place or thing."

Schoolhouse rock ruled!
If you all want to really feel old, I found this on a music site:

>>The bee girl from the Blind Melon "No Rain" video turns 20 this year.

That annoying kid is an adult now. Seems like last week that video was all over MTV. :eek:
I remember A Sesame Street recore I had that had Bert singing "doing the (wah-wah)..Pigeon." My favorite group when I was like 9 years old was Huey Lewis & the News. I know all their lyrics. Makes me wonder how I still retain this info after the 1000s of Busch cans I've emptied.
Yeah, Huey here too. Coinsidently, I watched that whole new Back to the Future DVD set earlier this week. So many people debated me as a kid saying that the guy with the megaphone in the first movie (at Marty's band's audition) WASN'T Huey Lewis. So many years later, I still feel happy knowing I was right... and shame on them for ever doubting me.
By the way, does this little tune happen to ring a bell?

"one two three four five... six seven eight nine ten... eleven twelve!"
Originally posted by downure
By the way, does this little tune happen to ring a bell?

"one two three four five... six seven eight nine ten... eleven twelve!"

Yeah I can't remember what that was from. Seems to me it was some short schtick either between Saturday morning programs or in one of the ones Mel listed. I keep playing it through my head and it ends up in the cadence of BOC's Seven Screaming Dizbusters.
Here in Ohio we had the Banana Splits. A rocking group of gorillas, who drove six wheel dune buggies. Of course, I will be honest and say that I was a dedicated 'Partridge Family' rerun watcher and I don't care what anyone says, 'the Monkees' rocked.
We had the Banana Splits too, although I think they weren't all gorillas. I think at least one was a dog, maybe more than one.

I also remember the Bugaloos (they're in the air and everywhere!) and Josie and the Pussycats - not the recent movie, the "real" ones :p

I loved those shows. Sid and Marty Kroft did the Bugaloos, I think. Those guys must have been rockin' the ganj pretty hard!
