Children Of Bodom Christmas Ornaments!

oceanqueen44 said:
That's true... keyboardists (and bassplayers) who know how to use their fingers really well!!!:D ;)

well, no one in my band knows how to play a double bassdrum riff up to almost the same strength as a foot hit with their fingers but me, so i guess i can beat my bassplayer & keyboard player in a finger fight :loco:
Guitarists also know how to use their fingers pretty know me so, uh, some shredding on my spine, uh you um know what I mean right.....!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
+coughs laugh coughs+ I always thought it was the guitar players...that um...had the finger dept. down pat and after them it was the bass players. But since I dont know many musicians "in that way" I shall shut the hell up. :D

Keep it in your pants...oh, wait...


I mean...uh, fellas...

Wait a minute, you guys aren't as randy as the gals, so...


Hey, Ladies!!! Why don't you take two chill pills and...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...forget it...
heatherxlove said:
good lord. the things you miss in a few hours. :p
oh, and about musicians being good at certain things.. i always heard trombone players were good kissers. i play the saxophone. who knows what dirrrty things you can come up with for me!
I got a couple ideas :oops:

Im a guitarist by the way.