Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Century Media - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


Admittedly I have not been the biggest fan or supporter of Children of Bodom. None of their previous offerings converted me into being their fan and instead with each release I grew tired of their bombastic, over-the-top, melodic death metal sound. I did not expect that to change with Hate Crew Deathroll and a quick glance at the song titles before playing this CD did not help my bias against them, I mean “Lil’ Bloodred Ridin’ Hood” and “Bodom Beach Terror”? How could one take this seriously?

The answer to that question was revealed to me as soon as the fast, high energy and furious first song “Needled 24/7” started and by the time that “Hate Crew Deathroll” finished I just could not ignore the fact that this is a very good album. It is still everything that I disliked about their previous albums (bombastic, etc.) in addition to Janne Warman’s keyboards at times sounding straight out of some video game. But despite these facts, the simple fact could not be denied: this is one hell of a great album.

Songs like “Chokehold (Cocked ‘N’ Loaded)”, “Bodom Beach Terror” and “Hate Crew Deathroll” are classic Children of Bodom songs with plenty of guitar and keyboard melodies, riffs and leads woven together to get you hyper and head bang like crazy.

With this album Children of Bodom also ventures away from their trademark sound in to totally new directions. “Sixpounder” is not as fast and it has heavier and chunkier riffing. “You’re Better off Dead” is one of the band’s heaviest and thrashiest songs. “Angels Don’t Kill” could be considered a power ballad as the tempo is slowed down.

This is definitely the best album by Children of Bodom and with the upcoming US tour with Dimmu Borgir the stage is set for the Fins to make their presence known. After this release, I will definitely root for their success.

Century Media Website
Children of Bodom Official Website
I hope they play that in Toronto when they come. I'm going to that show (Nov. 11th)
I am glad to say that the new Children of Bodom album, thought somewhat different, still displays the excellent qualities they were known for, prior to the Hate Crew Deathroll release. When I first heard their new CD, I was shocked to hear that they had changed their style. It struck an odd note in me, and it took me some time to adjust to, as I was still used to their 80's style music. When I first heard their new album, I immediately thought of the sound to be relative to that of Slayer, with a slight hint of power-metal similar to Pantera. I admired the new sound and playing style, yet still could not believe it to be Children of Bodom. After I got over the shock and dismay of their new playing style, I found their new album to be just as strong as their previous releases. With lightning fast riffs found in Needled 24/7, to slower, yet still just as pissed off sounding as Sixpounder, it is utterly impossible for any metal fan to dislike this album. As the CD progressed to Songs like Chokehold (Cocked n’ Loaded), and Bodom Beach Terror, it is apparent that they still retain their old musical ability, while they refined their sound to suit a perhaps much needed change. Though I still find Follow the Reaper to be their best album, I often wonder where they would be today if they had released another album that sounded just like FtR. Sometimes change, though hard to accept at times, is for the better, and certainly displays Children of Bodom as having no intentions of dying out anytime soon. I trust we can all expect more great releases from this band in the future.
First Thing, Children Of Bodom Is The Best Fucking Band In The God Damn World. Don't Let Anyone Tell You Different. Nu-metal Is Shit. Eveyrything About It Sucks. Bodom Is The Best Band Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They Fucking Are The Smartest Musicians That Have Come Along In A Long Ass Time. They Fucking Write The Best Songs Ever. Anything They Do, God Should Woship. Nu-metal Fux And Emo Bitches Should Fucking Die!!!!! They Put Music To Shame. I Thought Good Music Was Fucking Dead With All This Rap/pop/punk/emo/rap Rock Linkin Park Shit. I Wish Alexi "wildchild" Laiho, Janne Warman, Jaska Raatikainen, Alexander Kuoppala, Henkka T. Blacksmith And The New Guitarist Robert Could See This Post. If They Do I Hope You Never Die Off Or Make Shitty Music, Which For Bodom Is Impossible! You Fucking Rock And Show People That Good Music Is Still Out There, You Just Have To Look A Little Harder That Shitty Nu-metal Shit! Cob Foever!!!!
agalloch what do you have against bodom man? but yeah i agree bodom beach terror is kind of over the top, its pretty funny though how ecstatic and excited he/she gets...very ah into their own opinion you could say..oh well all to their own i guess..