Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll


Oct 15, 2002
Far Beyond The Galaxy
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Children Of Bodom – Hate Crew Deathroll (Spinefarm/Universal)

One of the years most anticipated releases, ‘Hate Crew Deathroll’ (HCD) is the long awaited follow up to the Follow The Reaper (FtR) album, almost 2 years coming.
While many (not me) look back on FtR and regard it as the weakest Bodom album, the previous album, ‘Hatebreeder’, was always going to be a tough album to follow.

HCD follows the pattern of the previous 3 Bodom albums, that familiar reaper figure adorns the cover, 9 songs (10 if you count the bonus track, a cover of Slayer’s ‘Silent Scream’) and a running time of around 37 minutes. Although this may seem like a short album in the day and age of 70 minute plus albums, for Bodom it seems to be the ideal length for that crunching onslaught.

Not much has changed this time, I’d probably call it just a refining of the Bodom style that we all know and love. Suffice to say if you are a fan you’re going to love this, if your not then it’s an idea album for you to experience some of Finland’s finest.

The songs themselves?
Are short and to the point, no messing around here. Ferocious riffs, harsh vocals, complimented by some great use of keyboards, not too up in the mix, but just in their to embellish the guitars perfectly.
One thing that sets Bodom apart from many is their ability to pen a catchy song.
Throughout the album every song has some sort of hook, whether it be guitar, keys or vocals, some have all three, others have one or the other.

While other bands have a drastic style change (Metallica), turn nu-metal, or simply wimp out, with watered down new albums (Soilwork), Bodom actually turn it up and are even heavier on this new album.

An essential purchase for not only Bodom fans, but also anyone who like classy melodic death/extreme metal.


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Good review! Thanks, 10/10 huh, is there anything bad about it? And think you can also include Thrash lovers too to that list of folks who will enjoy it. :headbang:

I haven't heard Bodum till very recently. Downloaded a few songs from the Deathroll album, awesome, can't wait till I get the album. \m/
Thanks for your kind words, of course I failed to mention the albums more 'thrashier' elements.
Great that you've discovered Bodom :)
I'd highly recommend getting 'Hatebreeder' if you can, not only is it Bodom's best, but IMO an all time classic album.
Sounds awesome, it should arrive in my mail late this week. I never heard anyone put down Follow The Reaper, I think that's their best album. That was my number 1 album the year it was released. Hopefully they will finally get a US tour this year.
i think its shit. children of bodom used to be my favorite band. i cant stand this album

immensly dissapointed....and i know for a fact that im th only one on this beuase everyone else loves it to death
I got it two days ago. I can't get enough of it! Great review man. Fave tracks: Needled 24-7, Bodom Beach Terror, and You're better off dead.
I agree with COBetter.... I was dissapointted with this album even though i loved the past 3 bodom albums. The first track was good but it was like an abysmal drop from their. Ohh well. at least i still have the old CDs to enjoy.
Ok, Children Of Bodom Is The Best Fucking Band In The God Damn World. Don't Let Anyone Tell You Different. Nu-metal Is Shit. Eveyrything About It Sucks. Bodom Is The Best Band Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They Fucking Are The Smartest Musicians That Have Come Along In A Long Ass Time. They Fucking Write The Best Songs Ever. Anything They Do, God Should Woship. Nu-metal Fux And Emo Bitches Should Fucking Die!!!!! They Put Music To Shame. I Thought Good Music Was Fucking Dead With All This Rap/pop/punk/emo/rap Rock Linkin Park Shit. I Wish Alexi "wildchild" Laiho, Janne Warman, Jaska Raatikainen, Alexander Kuoppala, Henkka T. Blacksmith And The New Guitarist Robert Could See This Post. If They Do I Hope You Never Die Off Or Make Shitty Music, Which For Bodom Is Impossible! You Fucking Rock And Show People That Good Music Is Still Out There, You Just Have To Look A Little Harder That Shitty Nu-metal Shit! Cob Forever!!!
I know where Aleksi Laiho and co. are coming. Believe me it was surprise to all that anyone liked that music. What is better than go to Japan and play to thousands people. But there is something wrong with COB. Maybe i don't like them cause i'm old school. At least the boys play metal. And got that that old Stone guitarist (even though he has to play rhythm guitar [shame]) in the band too. I don't consider this kind of bands be 'progressive', they never claimed to be such. the fans are fanatics but listen to this later...
Bodom is the best band in the universe!!!....and any one who disagrees can suck on the balls that ill grow especially for that purpose, all the tone-deaf tight asses who don't like this band thats your loss but don't tell me about it, BODOM are amazing and have actual talent...\m/ keep the crank

ps. ( not making any of the critcal comments to you cause you don't like them, thats all good...people like agalloch piss me off though)