Children of Bodom - Relentless Reckless Forever


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Is COB trying to go backwards in quality of production and songs to their first two albums or what? I know I've only listened to youtube rips, but still... this sounds atrocious. Drums sound Toontrack EZD DFH and vox sound like they were recorded in an old-school telephone booth. Idk what to really think of this new album.

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I dunno, I was going into it thinking I was going to be disappointed, but I was really pleasantly surprised. I really like the old school CoB feel. The only thing that really bothers me production-wise is the kick.
I really miss the magic they had together during Follow The Reaper. The production and songwriting on that album just had a magical feel about it. As a COB fan I'll probably still pick this one up as I know youtube doesn't really deliver a great sound and they may be just shitty early leaks people are posting. I'll still give it a spin in its entirety and give it a chance, but that was just my initial impression.
I don't understand why bands "want to go back to their old productions". Time is moving forward, you are moving forward, keep up with it. I think it's generally very common for a band to evolve, and get better each CD on production, mix and skill. If you have strong songs you don't need to go back into time to revisit your old mix style.
Sure, it's not Follow The Reaper, or even Hatecrew. But I find it a lot more pleasant to my ears than Blooddrunk which for me is their weakest effort.
Well, if you ask me the reason why this sounds like shit is not 100% in the band:

- Something Wild, Producer Anssi Kippo & COB, Mixed by Anssi Kippo
- Hatebreeder, Producer Anssi Kippo, Mixed by Mikko Karmila
- Follow The Reaper, Producers Peter Tägtgren & Mikko Karmila & COB
- Hatecrew Death Roll, Producer Anssi Kippo, Mixed by Mikko Karmila
- Are You Dead Yet, Producers Mikko Karmila & Anssi Kippo, Mixed by Mikko Karmila
- Blooddrunk, Mikko Karmila & Peter Tängtgren, Mixed by Mikko Karmila
- Relentless Reckless Forever, Produced and mixed by Matt Hyde


You just can't get the Scandinavian metal sound with an American producer
Blah... COB is still one of my top 3 bands of all time... but I can't dig this at all, it's not the band I got into, it's not really even reminiscent of who they are. This is attempting to fit in with the US kids... it's pathetic. I don't get it :(
Blah... COB is still one of my top 3 bands of all time... but I can't dig this at all, it's not the band I got into, it's not really even reminiscent of who they are. This is attempting to fit in with the US kids... it's pathetic. I don't get it :(

^ this is exactly what I thought after listening to this song.

The intro sounds like an As I Lay Dying riff or something. lol. COB going metalcore. :lol:

And this one just sounds "meh"
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I thought the new album was okay, I didn't have high expectations for it so it so it wasn't a letdown for me.

I know they will never have the old sound again, but I still like them because they are responsible more or less for getting me into melodic death and practicing my fucking ass off in high school.

I wish i could have seen them around this time when alexi was more focused on making great music, than making an image/attitude. Where most people get more mature throughout their music career (image/attitude/drinking), i feel hes gone backwards.
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Is COB trying to go backwards in quality of production and songs to their first two albums or what?

WTF, the first two had the best songs. :err: (IMO, of course) Well maybe FTR had better songs than Hatebreeder but that's arguable. Something Wild was the fucking shit.
Alexi needs to start drinking more cuz as we all know, he was shit canned while recording the first 3 albums.
While I can dig the guitar tone, that kick is just :puke:
And those cymbals are clipping like crazy.
I'm digging the snare and bass guitar tone though.
And do I hear sub hits/drops?!

The songwriting is just horrible though...

Something Wild, Follow The Reaper, and Hatecrew Deathroll are by far my favorites.
With that being said- Best.Intro.Ever:
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I went out and bought the new album last night. It actually isn't so bad when you hear it in good quality (not youtube). It definitely is nowhere near as awesome as the first four bodom albums, but it is way better than blooddrunk. After watching the DVD it shows that the video for "Was it Worth It?" was filmed here in Woodward, PA. I didn't realize that the skate camp was that well known.