Children of Bodom Studio Diary

@metaltastic: It's in one of the pictures at that link in the first post

AFAIK Smooth Amplification is a one man company in Pori. Could be a custom made head, looks interesting.

Hi all,

I made that Smooth Amplification UL-100A amp and it was just a prototype for testing purposes. The old version had three channels with 9 small tubes (like 12at7, 12ax7, 12BH7, 6CG7) and the output section with 2xKT88 was based on a modified Marshall Major.

Here's a short clip for testing cab impulses/models...

(Edit: old clips removed for additional server space.)


The axe was Gibson LP with JB duncan and no boost pedals...argh, hit too hard on low strings (010-046 strings, drop C tuning) and things went out of tune in some chords.

Geez man, it's no wonder your guitar detuned, your strings are probably hanging like overcooked spaghetti, being too flabby and all that... ;)
I mean, that's the normal gauge for E tuning on Gibson's scale, can't imagine how yucky the feeling must be in *gulp* C drop?! :ill:
Geez man, it's no wonder your guitar detuned, your strings are probably hanging like overcooked spaghetti, being too flabby and all that... ;)
I mean, that's the normal gauge for E tuning on Gibson's scale, can't imagine how yucky the feeling must be in *gulp* C drop?! :ill:

Well, just let me be impulsive and creative. :heh: Its only half step down say from unchained where evh used his slinky's (or maybe even 009 011 015 024 032 040), haha.

The main thing here is how the amp *controls* (real) speakers and that the amp's low end *never* drops out or go flabby...I've always hated all kinds of negative feedback based "resonance", "deep" etc controls in amps.
