Children of bodom Winamp skin

WMP can do both of these... and winamp is fucking ugly, even with skins or w/e

It can but with WMP you have to install shitloads of codecs so it will be able to show everythin VCL does WITHOUT DLOADING codecs... I dont care if Winamp is ugly...its not but still its 100 times more practical and handy.
Winamp for music and VLC player for videos.

WMP can do both of these... and winamp is fucking ugly, even with skins or w/e

No it can't. When we start talking about interlacing, aspect rations and PAL WMP fails miserably. I don't care how ugly or pretty player is because I don't sit on my computer watching the player.

Yeah youre right...let's not join the hordes of useless threads on the COBOT :erk::lol:

Yeah because threads here are so much better... :lol: