Children of boredom?!

Well its just one dude whose playing all the instruments though some are made through strange programs and he plays Humor metal... it doesn't sound like bodom but I like it... Oh and its in Finnish... I'll try to find where you can download the mp3's... So to answer your question... yeah!!!! finland rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^okay, thx a lot about that page i just click download right??!?!?! cuz there are a looooooooooooot of words i dont understand there....:D
So I decided to translate some of the titles for you guys... (I'm so sweet :grin: )
Mitähän mä ottaisin - What Should I have
Nyt kyllä vituttaa - Now I'm Pissed Off
Sano vaan mix - Just say why
Rahaa on ku fyrkkaa - Got money like cash
Josset sä kippaa - If you don't drink
Kaverit vittuilee - Friends are pissing me off
Vittu, viinaa - Fuck, booze now
Punttis (feat. MC Poni) - Gym (feat. MC Pony)
Potkut - Fired/Sacked

There you go... There not all accurate but you get the point of the title... Most of the songs are about getting drunk...
thx Trashdevil!:D

hehehe...this is the guy right? and his BIG reason for music!