Children of the damned(the most official..)


Apr 17, 2001
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Hi guys! We have been letting Paul down on this one for far to long so I guess it`s time to really dig in. I saw Constanine asking for the new drumtrack so I guess he`s about to record then it`s you and me Meds, are you ready for it?
DEFINATELY adds.....

We had a pretty mediocre attempt at to tame a land..... so now i reckon were ready for an all out assault on this baby......

I have no projects scheduled so this is my next project.... ill make a start asap.... need to think over what parts were all doin.....

Ive been listening to this song for ages....and its pretty farkin cool....... its gonna sound great...!!!
Ok, Meds. I really dont know wich parts I`d like to play here, what you think? Maybee you can do Daves guitar and we can lay 2 guitars, a harmony, on that fast HO/PO part? If you do Daves guitar i guess you play that intro solo.
ok.... lets work this out

Intro : Clean....You alone or both of us....????

Verses : Clean.... You alone or both of us.....???

Chorus' : Both....

Bridge : Both Rythym...
Lead Dub.... You alone....

Harmony : Both Rythym.....
Me High....
You Low......

Solo Tapping : Both Rythym
You...?????? ( or this where u want to harmony??)

Outro : Both rythyms
Lead dub...... You Throughout low...then last time through ill dub the higher one.....

What do you reckon...?? Just mainly need to know are we doubling up on the clean parts....???
Wow, ok let`s see...

I can lay down the clean intro and verses first and then maybee you can try to add one of the same(or almost at least) and see how it sounds and if we can get that tight enough

yeah, chourus both of us the same

that lead dub, I think Murray plays that(then it`s yours), at least live..or am I maybee wrong here...

I agree with the harmonies

yeah that solo tapping..we can both do backing guits and I`ll do that thin Adrian does and maybee if you feel like it you can do one of that too, making it a harmony or just do an octave lower

outtro,what you propose there sounds good
hey lads...

Yeah im still keen to do this........

If u can mm...can u email const's bass line....or a drums/ bass mix...... either one it doesnt matter.....

Im a bit pressed for time..... but ill get to it soon...... my recording efforts come in stages...... so im due for a big burst soon.... heheh ;)

Ive learnt my parts at the least though.... just need to get down on tracks.....

Ill let you know as soon as its done.....maybe this weekend even.....
Yeah, I`m so sorry for this one. As I said my father is sick with cancer and I been dumped by my girl before wewe even been together and all that shit. I Iknow youve been waiting for this one a long time Paul, and I`ll hope I`ll get it together soon, I`ve just havent been myself recentley...