Children of the Grave Cover: Mix Start.

Grave Desire

Mar 10, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey guys just started to mix this project. I know there are a few mistriggers on the snare but and I still have a few things to work on.

I plan on turning the drums down too. Vocals are being re tracked next weekend.

I borrowed my friends JSX to reamp. I still plan on going through a 5150. This was my first time ever using a JSX and I kind of had a hard time getting it right. Didn't make it any easier that the guys used 10 guage strings in drop C....hard to make the tone "tight".

Anyways..any opinions, comments are appriciated as always.


Edit: New version posted below!
Nice "oomph" on the guitars Dave.. i really like that.
I would just bring up the bass and guitars and see how that sounds..
There needs to be a stop to the horn intros....
Hhaha, cool guitar sound,kinda digitally, but vool nontheless.I don't really care for the vocals but that's just me. Mix overall sounds pretty fat.
hey thanks guys..I should clairify that this isn't my band or anything. That was the intro they I guess that's how it goes..haha.

I'm glad you guys are feeling the overall mix though...I wanted to go for a "fat" sound.