Chile Festival: Bullshit


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
It has come too our attention that a promoter in Chile is advertising a festival using the ProgPower name without consent. Furthermore, ProgPower USA dvd footage is also being illegally used to promote the event and make it appear as if we are the ones producing it. Neither ProgPower USA nor ProgPower Europe has any affiliation with this promoter or event in Chile. It is sad that the South American fans are being misled. Fans are warned to check with the bands that have been listed as "confirmed" before purchasing a ticket with a confirmed liar.
First you have the clusterF@#$ festival in Brazil and now this in Chile....
can someone tell me what this "apology" means?? :err:

"We regret that the news yesterday that the "ProgPower" Festival would be made in Chile is false, so said it in an official statement ProgPower USA. Our apologies to all for having disseminated a story that was not confirmed which we came a "journalist" of Radio future course."
If they are using your footage, contact the ISP that is hosting the content, and file a DMCA violation against them. If it's a non-US ISP, they might ignore it, but not always.

It could at least help a little.

Thank you for the info. They have taken down/deleted all related posts.

This was posted on their page:

Lamentamos informar que la noticia de ayer de que el Festival "ProgPower" se haría en Chile es falsa, así lo dijo en un comunicado oficial ProgPower USA. Nuestras disculpas a todos por haber difundido una noticia que no estaba confirmada la cual nos llego de un supuesto "periodista" de Radio Futuro.

We regret that the news yesterday that the "ProgPower" Festival would be made in Chile is false, so said it in an official statement ProgPower USA. Our apologies to all for having disseminated a story that was not confirmed which we came a "journalist" of Radio future course. (Translated by Bing)