I'm definitely not getting personal on this, but I have to say I agree 100% with Glenn. To say IA isnt innovative is pretty unbelievable...

100% agreed. IA is amazing and he's not a Vai ripoff. Oh yeah, I've been playing since I was 8 just in case your friend doesn't trust my opinion.
I love Vai, I love IA. I was a non-believer before I witnessed that incredible set this past PP. I brushed them off as comedy pop metal. Man, was I wrong. And if you really read the lyrics, you'll quickly realize that Nobody's Laughing.

(Sorry, couldn't resist) Really... he writes some pretty serious lyrics.
Has Vai influenced IA? How many guitarist out there can say they haven't been? They share some traits, but IA has his own sound and style. He has truly MASTERED the guitar and knows how to express any thought or feeling that comes to mind. His does things with a guitar that most can't even imagine! Not only that, he sings and plays the craziest shit at the same time! And beyond all his skill and mastery of his instrument, voice, and lyrical content, he is truly one of the smartest, nicest, humble, funny individuals that you will ever meet (besides the guys in ZH)! This goes for the rest of his band too. They blew me away with there amazing grasp of the English language.
If we want to talk about about not being innovative, we can talk about the extreme high percentage of metal guitarist so obviously influenced by Yngwie (NOT a slam on YM)!
You can choose not to enjoy their music, I understand that it might not hit you right away (don't I JayDub), but to downplay the man's skill is purely ludicrous.
Never thought you see me post this JayDub, did ya?