Chimaira tom samples

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Hi guys,

I posted this (below) in the FAQ thread the realized that this thread was here! cheers.

I downloaded the Chimaira (tom) folder containing around 5 or 6 samples for each tom on the kit, they are numbered in sequence but I cant seem to hear much difference between the many samples for the same tom as far as velocity is concerned, or is it that the differences are very, very subtle? Not sure. Anyone? Cheers,

p.s. thankyou Andy, you can never have too many drum samples!

can anyone tell me how to integrate these into Drumkit from Hell Superior?

would be awesome.

I have the toms in the sneap dropbox folder - if anyone wants an invite to the folder PM me with your email address you used to sign up to dropbox. Last time i checked we had around 25 people joined the dropbox and over 1gb of samples, ir's and other shit
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