Chris Caffery confirmed to headline BWBK 6 Pack Weekend Night 1!


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
According to SAVATAGE/TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA guitarist Chris Caffery's official website (although we have it on pretty good authority), he will be headlining one of the two nights at this year's BW&BK Six Pack Weekend. He has issued the following statement:

" is confirmed...

Chris Caffery's Faces will be one of the headliners of the Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles Festival at the Odeon in Cleveland Ohio!

The festival is May 6th and 7th, we will close Friday night May 6th!

More dates will be announced soon...but for now I am proud to announce the first official live date ever!

Thanks to the people at BW&BK for their continued support! Let's get ready to rumble!"

More bands for the Weekend will be announced soon.


This is awesome. I attended this festival last year and it kicked ass. I do plan on returning this year. Seeing Caffery will be just awesome.
Ok, this is not good and I can understand that but you have to hope that he might bring the rest of Savatage or parts of it... Dude, last year was fine... Metal Church, Flotsam, Primal Fear, Crimson Glory (kinda), Doro... I mean yeah, maybe not the cream of the crop but look at Prog Power V... not the cream of the crop either... BUT you have to remember, not nu-metal shit... and a fucking good time also. Where else do you get that? Europe, I know but think about that expense... The other option... How about one of Jack K.'s shows... Never been to one but I hear that the bands get fucked, the audience gets fucked and just a complete mess... Oh well, I will be in Cleveland in May.
Narcosynthesys68 said:
I mean yeah, maybe not the cream of the crop but look at Prog Power V... not the cream of the crop either...
Wow. Totally two different playing fields. Did you attend PPV?
Damn people...get with the program here!!!! Only one band has been announced! Not everyone can be GLEN. Jesus...I hate this festival bashing shit!!!! Even if they can only get 2 decent bands, it's better than nothing right? I understand voicing opinions, but give them props for trying at least! Go ProgPower, Go BWBK, and (albeit to a lesser extent) go Jack Koshick. Can't we all just get along?:headbang:
Tight, Jack Koshick is garbage and BW & BK is apparently on the decline. I give props to those who deserve it; Glenn is the man around here. I simply say it like it is. Thank God for Glenn as everything else is simply second rate, and furthermore, the mere mention of Jack Koshick's shit fest is just downright sickening.
Jesus figured people would be thrilled that Caffery would be getting some of the respect that he deserves. Where the fuck else in North America is he going to be afforded a headlining spot like he getting at the BW&BK festival...and you guys think this sucks...?

Granted...I can think of a bunch of other bands...and granted...I know that people who are not Caffery fans certainly have room to least a well respected member of the metal community is getting a chance to shine in North America...and he's only a small percentage of the festival itself.

Good for Caffery...good for North America...good for the American metal scene in general...If Chris is headlining, you can bet your ass he'll have some treat in store for the faithful...

I don't know if I'm attending BW&BK festival yet...but show some fucking respect for Chrissakes!

Rock on!
Hmm. While I dont think Chris' project is HEADLINING status yet I'm still glad that he is playing a prominent metal fest and wish him luck. As mentioned before, not everyone can be Glenn but BWBK has had several bands I would love to have seen, Wolf, Primal Fear, Grave Digger, Lilitu (hopefully they can play the preparty this year), that aint half bad. So yea, while the BWBK fest doesnt seem to be another Prog Power in terms of bands, it is still a respectable outing.

Koschick can still and always will eat a dick though.

I went to BW & BK the first year, and had a great time. The wife and I had every intention of returning for the second BW & BK. Then the line-up was announced. I can't believe the promoter was surprised at the poor ticket sales. I was hoping that someone would figure it out in '05, and that they'd put together a better line-up. And while I don't want to condemn the fest after only one act has been announced, this is not a good sign that they've received the message.

What's really surprising to me is, just how far the promoter's finger is from the pulse of the Metal scene. I visit a good number of boards, and can't say I ever recall seeing any discussion on Chris Caffery. I could understand if he was a three slot band, to fill out the line-up. But a headliner?

Yea, tough crowd here! Perhaps it is a bit of a reach for Chris to be headlining, but he's talented and has great stage presence and I'd love to see him do a full set. Now if BWBK could just get a few more good bands it would be worth regardless of how they fall in the lineup. I have not been impressed with a lot of thier selection in the past.
Yeah, Faces was like #19 in the top 25 metal albums of 2004 in Cleveland

Maybe not headliner material yet - but I still wouldn't mind seeing him live. And hey, since Glenn is such a huge Savatage fan - and he got CIIC and Sava already, then perhaps CC is on the PP bill this year. Who knows!
Narcosynthesys68 said:
Ok, this is not good and I can understand that but you have to hope that he might bring the rest of Savatage or parts of it... Dude, last year was fine... Metal Church, Flotsam, Primal Fear, Crimson Glory (kinda), Doro... I mean yeah, maybe not the cream of the crop but look at Prog Power V... not the cream of the crop either...
What the heck? So you're trying to say that for Prog and Power metal on ProgPower level Edguy, Kamelot, a fucking SAVATAGE REUNION and Pain of Salvation are not the cream of the top? Who the heck do you want to play Progpower, then, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater and maybe what.. Judas Priest? Come on...

Now, to everyone that's bashing on BWBK for having Chris Caffery headlining, so fucking what? Nobody has to be happy with everything, that's understandable... But show some respect for god's sake, if he's called up to a headlining spot, I think he deserves it... It's the same crap that we had two years ago when Glenn anounced Rage as a headliner....nobody liked it, and they KICKED MAJOR ASS!! I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Cafery gets the same reaction that Rage did (amazing reaction by the way)....
I am not complaining... My only point was that I am so very happy that there is more than just ONE good metal fest in the USA... All of the bands may not be in line with Prog Power status. If we as fans don't support the scene we can kiss BW&BK goodbye... Which I would absolutely HATE to see. Let's wait and see who else they announce and then btich some more... I will still go in May... and September!
Just a note on the Rage comment:

Look at the catalogue.

Rage has how many albums? 15+?

Chris Caffery has how many albums? 1 release (2 CD's)

Granted he'll probably play a couple Savatage and Dr Butcher tunes - but the majority is off of Faces

I think the complaint is not that CC is playing it or that he's unknown, it's that he's headlining it. I kinda agree - one release should not be headliner material!
Oh, I understand, don't worry, I didn't mean to make you think I was highly mad at you or something.. I just understood in your post that you didn't think the PP V lineup wasn't good enough... I just think that the line up for PP V was killer, that's all

And I'll see ya in may AND september! \m/