Chris' Guitar Action

A Name

New Metal Member
Dec 31, 2008
Hey Chris, just wondering how high do you like your action set and how hard do you tend to pick?

I want to get into two-handed tapping and finding it hard with my guitar's current setup. It's strung with 10s and the low E is 2mm from the fretwire at the twelfth fret. I'm considering getting it setup with a lower more consistent action (kind of like Joe Satriani's setup) but am concerned about any buzzing/dynamics cause I like to dig in sometimes

Thanks :worship:
For two-handed tapping you usually, but not always, you would want the action very low.
But because you will probably use your pick to play with it, set it up in a way that a pick can be between the 6 string and fretboard in the twelfth fret...also check if the strings don't hit the fret wire while playing or you will get allot of buzz.
Curious too.

On my UV, my high E is ~1mm at the 24th fret and it's pretty much the same all the way up the neck, obviously getting slightly higher on the low B side. However I have a slightly high nut, which is a little irritating.
Pics from another thread;

Maybe this is his action?



Not as low as I'd imagined if so.
Hey All,

I usually take the action as low as the individual guitar will let without to much buzz. I have never measured it because it's so individual to each guitar and what your definition of buzz is. I can tell you though, that when I get a guitar where I want it I have to adjust it often because of climate and humidity.

Take care, Chris.
Awesome, thanks for the reply Chris.

I take it you lowered the action on the one above lower than it is in the picture then? :)
Hey, Chris!
Was wondering more about the neck dimension! Ibanez make some really thin and flat necks, can you tell us something about it? Has it the Rg Prestige size to it?

Hey, Chris!
Was wondering more about the neck dimension! Ibanez make some really thin and flat necks, can you tell us something about it? Has it the Rg Prestige size to it?


Hey Nicco,

It's the Standard Wizard size that they put on the 1527's. I've always prefered them.

Take care, Chris.
Hey again Chris, sorry I forgot to ask this the first time round

Do you ever use a string damper of some sort? I hate that annoying ping when tapping on higher frets :mad:
