Chris Rock says "How the FUCK you doin' tonight, White Ass Hollywood!?!"


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I hate stupid ass award shows like the Oscars, but if Rock is hosting I might just watch it.

Rock Says Time Delay a 'Safety Net'

NEW YORK - First-time Oscar host Chris Rock, a comedian known for his frequent use of expletives, says the five-second decency delay on the ABC show's Feb. 27 telecast will be a welcome "safety net."

"I've been on TV and been funny not cursing," Rock says in an interview on CBS' "60 Minutes" newsmagazine, to air Sunday night. "As far as content is concerned, I will talk about the movies. I'm not really worried about it. I'm sure ABC is more worried about it than me."

Gil Cates, the producer of the Oscar show, has expressed confidence in Rock, who suggested in a recent Entertainment Weekly magazine interview that no straight black men watch the telecast.

"(A time delay is) a safety net. You know, you're a trapeze artist ... you welcome the net," Rock says.

Rock also says that when he arrives on Oscar night, he may be traveling "small," without an entourage. The 39-year-old actor-comedian says that "with a posse, you're not letting the real world in. And if you don't let the real world in, you're not going to be funny."

He added: "[...........] rolls pretty small, you know."
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Urgh, he's so annoying, his presesense alone, not to mention his falsetto screaming, is enough to ruin any movie

EDIT: not that he's been in any potentially good as far as I know, but the point is still valid ;)
haha, I have that video on a computer or CD-R somewhere, how to survive the cops as a black man.

Dogma was great dammit! Although his role in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was better, funniest part of that movie. "Where the stars of this piece of shit!?"
I'm with spaffe. His high-pitched womany voice ruins him.

Chris Tucker > Chris Rock , at least acting wise.
J. said:
I'm with spaffe. His high-pitched womany voice ruins him.

Chris Tucker > Chris Rock , at least acting wise.
What the fuck!? You complain about a high-pitched womany voice then say TUCKER is better than him? :lol:

Tucker is funny, definitely. But his schtick can get old pretty quick. I've loved Chris Rock since his SNL days. Dammit, I can't believe Google images doesn't have a picture of Nat X. BLASPHEMY!
yeah, bad choice of words. How 'bout this: Tucker isn't half as annoying as Rock.

Rock just has that high pitched scratchy grate-on-your-nerves voice. Tucker is just a bit annoying, which is easily overlooked with characters that he played in Rush Hour and Friday.
Yeah, that makes sense. I don't think I've ever been annoyed by Rock though, he's just this loveable skinny homeless lookin' black guy who yells at white people.

Seriously, that scene in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, I've watched that on loop many times. Even better is the fact that it's all ad-libbed. "Go on taste it, taste the booger flavor." "Get that shit outta my face." "Went to film school, and now you're bringing a nigga his coffee. Went to film school.." :lol: x1.21 gigawatts
and Nigga Please cereal!
Rock as an actor is bad ... even his HBO show, The Chris Rock SHow is crap. Dave Chapelle wipes the floor with him as far as skits.

As a standup though, he kills. I mean his whole act is basically making fun of his own race and most people just don't get it.
Chris Rock would just make a show like the Oscars even worse, but that's not that hard to do.

I never saw what was funny about him.
Chris Rock standup is, for the most part, usually hilarious. I'm not a fan of his movies though. He was decent in Dogma though.

"You knew Jesus?"

"knew him, shhit, nigga owes me 10 bucks!"


Also, that NIgga Please cereal skit was hilarious.
spaffe said:
Urgh, he's so annoying, his presesense alone, not to mention his falsetto screaming, is enough to ruin any movie

Er, "falsetto screaming"....I think people have got Chris Tucker and Chris Rock WILDLY mixed up in this thread....

And what's with the comparisons? I like Chappelle, Rock, and Tucker. Why pick one when you can have all three. :tickled: