Christian Wentz (FUTURE'S END) at the hospital in serious condition. Please read.

I guess no news is good news, nothing further this morning on Christian's condition, I am going to try and call him a little later.
Yes, it really sucks when one of our metal brothers or sisters is sick, its even worse when it is someone who is so cool and so nice. :-( Christian is all class and I wish him a speedy and full recovery!

He'll be back to rockin' it out soon!!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I was just telling someone how Christian was such a nice guy. Talked to him for about 15 min last year at the Nightmare table. Going to spin the DVD from last year and play some Futures End for good vibes.

We are all pulling for your Christian! Hope to see you here on the boards again soon!
Wow, I am so sorry to hear this. Hang in there Christian! He was so happy/excited a couple months ago after the Futures End show in Houston with FW, that its shocking to see him struggling now. Hopefully he is on his way to overcoming this!

Hope his improvement continues. Been sending vibes since I read it last night at work(mobile). First chance to put it down in words on computer.
He threatened to throw things at the attendant (and pour his bedpan over the guy's head) for leaving the room door open and the lights on, so he definitely seems to have his spirit back. :heh:

Hmmm. There might be a song in there somewhere, waiting to be written. :)