Christmas Haul

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hello All,

I got a few cd's for Christmas and wanted to share what I got and what I think about them. I also have a couple of questions included so any help would be appreciated, also would love to hear comments on my comments.

Mercenary - EverBlack - This cd is really heavy and is very crunchy. I must say that I prefer the direction they are headed more so than their older stuff. This is one of the few bands that I can listen to the harsh vocals. I do prefer the clean high pitched vocals but this band can do no wrong in my eyes. I probably will not venture into any releases before this one as I am sure they have less clean vocals. I like this cd but The hours that remain will get many more spins than this one.

Firewind - Forged by Fire - Ever since I got Allegiance I have been hooked. This cd is great and will get many spins from me. I like Allegiance better but this one smokes. I love Gus's playing and he has very catchy songs. Chity sounds great and I especially love the last ballad on the cd. Very good disc and will remain in my player for a long time. I want to get all of the cd's from this band BUT!!!!! The previous releases have the singer that used to sing for Kenziner. I could not stand his vocals and could not listen to Kenziner due to his vocals. Does he have a different approach while singing for Firewind. Please help. Should I stay put or should I go for the previous two discs as well?

Mystic Prophecy - Regressus - With my satisfaction of Firewind, i thought i would test out another gus g band. I loved the crunch of this cd but the vocals just ruined it for me. the song structure was simple and the vocal delivery was just boring to me. i loved gus's playing but each song sounded the smae to me and the vocal delivery was just the same on each song. this guy did not impress me so i will not go any further with this band.

Freak Kitchen - Spanking Hour - Since the performance at PP I wanted to try these guys out. What a great cd this is. I will have to admit they are much heavier live but i dig this cd. The production is a little muddy and this is not what i was expecting. I was expecting some serious guitar work but he keeps his solos pretty tame. I love this disc, it is catchy as hell and makes me laugh. I enjoy this cd and will listen to this very often.

Freak Kitchen - Freak Kitchen - Wow this is not what i was expecting at all. What an odd but very interesting adn fun cd. This is not a heavy cd at all but the melody is addictive. The production is a little better and the songs are still catchy and fun. I love this oddball disc. Funny i do like this b/c this is so not my style of music. This cd makes me laugh and i love the melody that is all over this discs. Great for long drives. I plan on going forward with Freak Kitchen. Any suggestions where to go next? Also can you describe their other discs? Would love to see how each one is different.

Daughtry - I loved him on idol and thought I would give this disc a try. I have to say this is very radio friendly and has some moments but i hope next time he will stretch a little bit and show what he is capable of. this cd is enjoyable, sometimes a little mellow for my taste but if you like his voice, he sounds golden.

Heavenly - Dust to Dust - Ok, i bought this b/c I heard the sample clip on their website and loved it. I DID NOT LIKE THIS DISC. I would say the main reason for me not enjoying the disc was the production. I think this disc sounds horrible. Everything is muddy and cloudy. This is really over the top orchestrated and I probably would have enjoyed it if the production was better. What i did like---- THE VOCALS!! This guy has a great voice and i love him aggressive or calm. I love his voice. This cd will not get many spins. Here is my question - How is Virus compared to this disc? IS the production better? Is it as orchestrated? Should I buy it if I hated this disc, remember the reason i do not like the disc is the sound( to me) is terrible. Help me out. For those of you that have Virus, please tell me about it and what you like or don't like.

Angra - Aurora Consurgens - Back in the day, I loved Holy Land and that was the only disc i loved with their former vocalist. The others I did not think were good at all. When they reformed with Edu and came out with their first disc, i was floored. Everything sounded great and Edu was awesome, loved his voice. Angra was back and was writing quality stuff. Temple of Shadows came out, while good, was not as good as the first. This disc to me is this, the sound is amazing. love the way this disc sounds. The guitarwork is just awesome, i think this is the best guitar sound and work that these guys have done. Edu is singing with that rich voice and I love it. The songs to me, just are not that memorable. I like this cd and will get plenty of listens but to me no real standout. It is a solid disc and angra will always get my money.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Thank You,

I love Mystic Prophecy, but that's not the first time I have heard complaints about RD Liapakus's vocal delivery. I think he's very good, but it seems that it's either a hit or a miss for most people. I also think there is some of that "sameness" with their songs, but that can also be said with about every other power metal band out there as well. At least you gave them a shot. If you didn't like Regressus you probably would like any of their other stuff, but I do think RD may have made some strides in his delivery/vocal melodies on their latest .. Savage Souls.

Check out Freak Kitchen's Move. Between it and Organic I think I prefer Move, but Organic is great as well. Only probably with Organic was some of the lyric repetitions in a song.
I got:

Beyond Twilight: For the love of art and the making


I LOVE this one. How is it going for you? I think I remember you asking about it a while back.

My haul was all self-bought, so naturally it's rather paltry. Most were spontaneous buys, actually - the trouble with browsing CD stores and getting excited when metal is present.

Sonata Arctica - For the Sake of Revenge (CD/DVD)
Amon Amarth - With Oden on our Side
Rodrigo Y Gabriela - s/t (this intrumental disc has completely blown me away. It's a classical guitar/flamenco duo who cite influences from Metallica, Megadeth, and Testament.)

Ordered online:
Dark Empire - Distant Tides (and fucking broke the case within the hour of picking it up)
Manticora - The Black Circus Part I: The Letters (awaiting arrival)
My parents bought me:
Cynic - Focus (remastered)
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality (Remastered+Bonus videos)
Nevermore - In Memory (re-issue)
Opeth - Damnation

I bought myself Isa by Enslaved and I'm considering grabbing Ruun and perhaps Below The Lights as well.
Gosh... here we go:

Elvenking - The Winter Wake
Speaking to Stones - ST
Book of Reflections Chapter. II - Untold the Future
Eyefear - 9 Elements of Inner Vision
Angra - Aurora Consurgens (again)
Green Carnation - A Night Under the Dam
Green Carnation - Alive and Well in Krakow
Kamelot - One Cold Winter's Night

Shit, there's so much more stuff that I honestly can't remember.. There's at least another 10...
I need to get some new cd's soon.:waah:

I opted to forgo the cd's for Christmas and go with a PS3, XBOX 360, AND A 42" PLASMA TV. :rock:

Now time for some cd......or....ah... Music DVD'S. I would ask for some DVD suggestions but I don't want to highjack the thread. :)
I LOVE this one. How is it going for you? I think I remember you asking about it a while back.

I LOVE this album. It's very dark, but makes me feel really happy. The depth of the sound is amazing. The vocals and composition really make me at a loss for words.

Amon Amarth - With Oden on our Side

I passed on this one for the Beyond Twilight disk. How is that album?
