Christmas on the horizon.....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK who's doing what this year then? Any plans, holidays, gigs etc??? Always interested to hear.

For me....just the 2 days off unfortunately by which point we'll have finished the recording aspect of the album with just the mix to go.
This Christmas is going to be very stressful for me, I'm working all through it, including Christmas Eve + a 4am Start on December 27th :(

I'm toying with the idea of going to see Primordial next weekend, but it's quite expensive.
Christmas doesn't start for me until the late is that? Then it's home for what is being scheduled as a "small christmas". *sniff* As you get older christmases just lose their magic :(
I've got an exam in 45 mins, so after that I'm more or less on holiday. Gonna be reading for my dissertation for a lot of it, but hopefully I'll be able to set aside plenty of time for my mates. Barely seen anyone over the last month because of deadlines :erk: